Radiologist Doctor Salary in Qatar
By Iftikhar S •
what an european qualified radiologist should accept. I have an offer of 2500£/month plus accomodation. i need to know the salary range and allowances as children Education fee and holidays/annum. Please guide me.
Hi Vicky, it's actually pretty much the guidelines in Education City.
Helpful post for those that have never done the expat thing before..Wish I had that rule of thumb 5 mos. ago.
Competitive salary in the country in which you currently working plus a 25% overseas bonus plus all housing, transportation and school fees for up to three children. If less, it's not worth the move, if more hooray.
Are you British or European qualified? It makes a big difference. Do you have an FRCR and how many years of experience after FRCR? How much is your offer in Qatar Riyal?
It depends where you work? Who you work for and their pay structure? Which european country your from? And how many years of experience you have: i.e. what will you be bringing to the table?
18,000 QR a month is on the low side
housing allowance, school fees, and a travel allowance are basics for most docs working in Qatar.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
now even
lol, but how would anyone know that ffs? If one hasn't found that out by know they need to get their arse in gear!!...
Seeing some of your Answers - you're sorely lacking in bedside manner LOL
why don't you ask your employer about the salary range,allowances would anyone else know that.....unless you state where you got the offer from...
why don't you ask your employer about the salary range,allowances would anyone else know that.....unless you state where you got the offer from...