Barbie Dolls
I grew up playing with Barbies even when I was 13 years old I was still playing with them, I stopped playing with dolls when I was turning 14 cuz I felt I was a li`l bit older to do that kind of stuff anymore but I remember I loved every single minute I spent in my room playing and creating different and magic situations..I really enjoyed playing with Barbies and I turned out fine, I think lil girls don't think too much about that..they just love how Barbie looks and all the different types there are and they just play for fun,there are thousands and it gives you the feeling that you can do anything you want and that's why girls love them so much + all the cool accessories,doggies, houses,even cute boyfriend Ken.My favourite Britney Spears got about you?do u love barbie and why?
better than Barbie.
damm, i hate barbie dolls,
whenevr I go home for vacation I bring with me toys such as robots and cars for my nephew but he keeps on asking me for a barbie doll..WTF
50 years old! LOL!
And I wonder why Bratz had big eyes? Both looks common to me, what fascinates me are those Fulla dolls. Well at least the dolls have liberty to choose their costumes too, right?
i never had a barbie when i was a child..
i'm not fond of girlie stuff before :)
yah,before when i was a child.,.but now, my daughter most like "BRATZ", it is IN now for kids i guess than BARBIE?!...
used to be just one of my toys... combing its hair, dressing it up, decorating its house was fun but ordinary.
.yeah really...
.move over Barbie
another day, another pay
hmmm not really :)
.Barbie dolls is out....
..Bratz dolls is in...
another day, another pay