friends like you
Sitting on the swings,
Hear the rustle of the leaves,
I’m here with my best friends,
Feel the rush of the wind,
My problems pushed away,
Feels great to be here today,
Laughing with the girls,
Hanging out at malls,
Never regret the times we had,
Doing silly things,
Forgetting about school,
Letting it all go,
But that happiness is gone,
Replaced with emptiness,
Every night alone,
No more laughter or smiles,
Just a whisper of the past,
Footsteps on the path of life,
Disappearing through time,
I miss you all, I’ll miss you all,
I’ll never have friends like you,
Now I sit on the swings alone,
Silently the memories flow back,
I feel like I was there again,
Till the rain comes,
And I’m back to reality,
Goodbye to memories,
That happiness is gone,
Replaced with emptiness,
Every night alone,
No more laughter or smiles,
Just a whisper of the past,
Footsteps on the path of life,
Disappearing through time,
I miss you all, I’ll miss you all,
I’ll never have friends like you,
lol... noms
***from where do u Copy Paste this?***
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein