How can we peacefully co-exist?

By MarcoNandoz-01

Hello Fella's , Guten Morgen!

How can we peacefully co-exist?
The world is such a diversified planet. People from many different ethnic and religious groups live in the almost every corner of the world. Sometimes people from one group don't like another group. What suggestions do you have for peaceful co-existence?

By rambo31• 19 Oct 2012 01:31

Just as everyone is existing peacefully in qatar and other gulf countries.

By Blosted• 18 Oct 2012 01:17

There is no such thing as " co-exist peacefully",As long as there is the "I" and "We" as in : "We Muslims"..."We Christians"..."We Hindus" etc.... there will always be a huge gap between humans, no matter how hard you "imagine" otherwise.

Sad,but true.

By PrarieFire• 3 Oct 2012 09:45

touche CL touche

By MarcoNandoz-01• 3 Oct 2012 09:37

*_* holy bleeping bleepity bleep!

By MarcoNandoz-01• 3 Oct 2012 09:35

Nahhh! all he needs is a RWC M41 Kaise, or KK62 ^_*

By Captain_Lost• 3 Oct 2012 09:35

PF... here's the pic..:P

By PrarieFire• 3 Oct 2012 09:24

CL you need picture ID to get into the party

By Captain_Lost• 2 Oct 2012 18:14

Marco....Im with you bro !!!

So wheres the party?? :P

By MarcoNandoz-01• 2 Oct 2012 14:34

We can and must coexist !

What would we pass on on to future generations??

But again Knowing the way of the human, that seems far from achievable.

By Victory_278692• 2 Oct 2012 10:57

increase the level of tolerance and be humble and polite to our neighbors and co workers.

By PrarieFire• 2 Oct 2012 10:53

Not originally mine but ty anyway :)

By Eagley• 2 Oct 2012 10:04

PrarieFire said, "...Respect Existence or Expect Resistance" - good one!

Bombing some people off the face of the earth would be good but have to Live and let live, not so easy to remember that "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future". Detach, detach, detach!

By PrarieFire• 2 Oct 2012 09:19


By britexpat• 2 Oct 2012 08:58

I never had to fight anyone to get my Cuban shotputter :O)

By anonymous• 2 Oct 2012 08:55

It's not "fighting over women". That would be stupid. It's fighting against men to impress a woman. If she chooses you or not is still undisclosed. But men are (also) really stupid.

By PrarieFire• 2 Oct 2012 08:50

Brit I'd think that would be more an excuse to justify war rather than an actual cause...think WMD's and Iraq then think...some king needs an excuse to invade Troy and lookie there they wronged us by stealing Helen...guess we have to go to war now.

Cleopatra was different no one even claimed to have fought over her.Not Ceaser, not Marc Antony, not Octavian.

By britexpat• 1 Oct 2012 23:49

Think Cleopetra and Helen

By vilia• 1 Oct 2012 19:27

@ LP: y woman?

By Super Cool• 1 Oct 2012 14:13
Super Cool

Before people can co-exis in peace they have to agree on the definition of peace or what they consider a peaceful environment....I do believe everyone wants peace, but peace will never take place until people can agree on what that peace is.

Before I stop I'd like to leave u with one example on the difference in definition.

I recall a conversation I once had with a Nigerian man at some airport. He said something along the lines of "Nigeria is a peacefull place now, under the current ruler. Before we used to drive with scary men pointing machine guns at us. Now they just harness the machine guns on their backs"


By PrarieFire• 1 Oct 2012 13:42

I like how harper was denied a capital letter

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 1 Oct 2012 13:32

lol typhoon i like ur comment

By britexpat• 1 Oct 2012 13:31

Because people don't vote in leaders just for world peace. Most vote for economy, crime, education, medical etc etc

One reason why Obama, Cameron and harper are in power. :O(

By alien_guest• 1 Oct 2012 13:27

Hmmmm someone is mad at America , thats very UnAmerican....

By Typhoon-2012• 1 Oct 2012 13:24

Well behave like the americans. Bomb countries, Terrorize, kill and sell weapons right and left to despots and tyrants to brutalzie and murder their own people and then act like saints and go about talking human rights and democracy and expect the host nations to protect their people and their embassies from people who have been hurt and have been affected by the actions of Uncle Sam

By nomerci• 1 Oct 2012 13:14

Ethics. All the trouble are and have been cause by lack of ethics. Oh, and some people should use their brain...not only for balance.

By alien_guest• 1 Oct 2012 13:11

Good thinking MM so we can put the greedy people in the well and then construct the wall.....

By Miss Mimi• 1 Oct 2012 13:11
Miss Mimi

If the majority want peace, why would they choose leaders who want war?

Even dictators can't get into power, or stay in power, without support.

By Molten Metal• 1 Oct 2012 13:09
Molten Metal

Would you please allow me to dig a well before you make a wall for 'them' ?

By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 13:03

GREED..that is the word you are all looking for...not PEACE. Greed is what drives everyone to make war!

By alien_guest• 1 Oct 2012 13:01

We make a wall around the leaders and seperate them from the followers Lol...

By britexpat• 1 Oct 2012 12:59

What happens if the majority of the peoples want peace, but their leaders don't :0(

By alien_guest• 1 Oct 2012 12:59

We make a big wall to seperate people based on the required criteria. In that way people on either side will live peacefully with each other.

By aiwa6• 1 Oct 2012 12:57

I have already exited the building. Right into shark infested waters :(

By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 12:56

ok now you may pet my soft fur *rolls on back*

By aiwa6• 1 Oct 2012 12:54



But I...


Okay Doctor Evil :/

By PrarieFire• 1 Oct 2012 12:53

Lol Aiwa made my day

By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 12:53

ok zip it!

By aiwa6• 1 Oct 2012 12:52

Like... totallyyy, like, umm, you knoww, yeahh, sooo, yeah.


By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 12:50

like totally like what you said girl umm yeah like totally!

By aiwa6• 1 Oct 2012 12:49

Miss Mimi, the answer to that question is, sadly, no :(

There are people who actually thrive on chaos.

By aiwa6• 1 Oct 2012 12:48

Hahahaha, got me! The voices in my head tell me things a little late, hence the editing. And shouldn't that be more along the lines of:

I personally belieeevvvve aaahh thaaatt uuhhh, wwee uhhh

thaatt uuhh I believee and endoorse uhh we are all humans


By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 12:45

Your edited comment is exactly what you should say...if you are in the Miss Universe wake up girl :P

By Miss Mimi• 1 Oct 2012 12:45
Miss Mimi

I suppose the real question isn't whether we can peacefully co-exist, its whether or not we want to peacefully co-exist.

If human beings really wanted peace, there would be peace.

By aiwa6• 1 Oct 2012 12:44

Oh okay smoke. Go ahead, enjoy :D

So much for my 1 Riyal thoughts hehe

Might as well think Pepsi, Pepsi and post it.

By aiwa6• 1 Oct 2012 12:42

We can't co-exist peacefully. For every peace-loving individual, there is an equal and opposite chaos-lover.

This is Earth, it's not meant to be peaceful; that abode is heaven.

My 1 Riyal :)

That being said, yes, live and let live, agree to disagree, try our best to create harmony are all perfect solutions. If only people actually did that.

By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 12:42

aiwa take your 1 riyal to the pepsi vending machine and get a coke.

By friendlyme• 1 Oct 2012 12:33

Forget women

Forget war

Forget peace

Forget american


This is how we can peacefully co-exist in this world of disrespectfulness!

By PrarieFire• 1 Oct 2012 11:34

Forget women





No respect for women?

By shisha202• 1 Oct 2012 10:45

I agree with ariens view live and let live will never happen until religion and races spread hatred for others and collectively claiming something like Israel did.

By Molten Metal• 1 Oct 2012 10:26
Molten Metal

negotiations fail what is remained except war .. to bring in peace ..

By Baburao-Ganpatrao-Apte• 1 Oct 2012 10:23

become American

By britexpat• 1 Oct 2012 10:23

Much you have learned youngling. Fear is the bar to co-existence.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear of others leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to war :O(

By painther• 1 Oct 2012 10:17

only Wars make peace permanent!

By Arien• 1 Oct 2012 10:11

Live and let live .. yes. But it will never happen until factors like religion , race exist.

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 10:01

If you want peace, go to war...

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 09:51

Brit "Yoda" Expat has spoken!

By Miss Mimi• 1 Oct 2012 09:51
Miss Mimi

Live and let live. That's really the only answer.

By Prism• 1 Oct 2012 09:49

Agree... remorse or pain of either killing or being killed isnt felt when one is in that state...:)

By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 09:48

Get high and chill...that is the only way forward.

By PrarieFire• 1 Oct 2012 09:44

Who said complete agreement was a prerequisite of peace?

By Prism• 1 Oct 2012 09:41

5-6 people on this thread cannot agree to a single POV, how can we even think of world peace.

Kill and get killed in the name of whatever, that sounds much acceptable. PEACE, what is that??? It doesn't exist anymore...

By PrarieFire• 1 Oct 2012 09:36

Justice based on humanitarian values that we all share...despite religion or political beliefs...there is a part of our nature we all share...stealing, assault etc. as a general rule are bad in everyone's eyes...all I'm saying is if your starving someone don't expect them not to react.

I understand people will differ on issues like free-trade, government spending or smoking in public places to throw out three random examples.We can't expect everyone to agree with what we think is right.But there are things we can all recognize as inhuman and blatantly unjust.It usually takes a certain threshold to be reached before a society or group turns to non-peaceful means.People are generally very inclined to keep things peaceful even if they feel wronged...just look at the huge array of different nationalities here or the people you've met through-out your life.

There used to be this little phrase I remember from my university days. 'Respect Existence or Expect Resistance'

By britexpat• 1 Oct 2012 09:29

We will have peace one day. Not too far in the future, the United Federation of Planets will ensure harmony amongst peoples.

By MarcoNandoz-01• 1 Oct 2012 09:24

Unfortunately there will always be someone that doesn't like someone else that enjoys starting religious/racial hatred crap, someone that will be envious/ jealous of what someone else has or how someone else is. Humanity is too engaged in judging each other so much that the basic rule of “Live and let live “has become totally irrelevant to our present world.

Maybe one day we will have peace but I don't see it any time soon ): and that’s a prophecy!

By Captain_Lost• 1 Oct 2012 09:22

LP.. this is what I'm talking about .. while coexisting, I would never forcefully impose my beliefs on someone who follows a completely different path... If something is red, according to my beliefs, i'll have to agree that it is blue according to someone else's beliefs .. :)

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 09:18

We have to look for a law or rule that everybody can accept, brit, and I don't see it.

By painther• 1 Oct 2012 09:18

PF, justice? on what basis? based on what 'I believe' or something else.

IMO, there's no fix formula for this, it's always been a trial n error way and will continue so,

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 09:18

Tolerance and morality are also inventions and not applicable to all humans.

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 09:17

Justice is an invention and differs from country to country. That is no solution.

By britexpat• 1 Oct 2012 09:17

They were in the background pulling the strings :O(

As to the OP's question.

The answer is simple. Tolerance and morality.

"Moral decisions are always easy to recognize. They are where you abandon self-interest."

By PrarieFire• 1 Oct 2012 09:15

Peace comes through justice have justice and peace will follow.

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 09:13

Ha, ha, FS, I am sure they did all they did to impress women!

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 09:12

It's the "beliefs" which create the trouble, CL. If one says according to his belief this was red, and the other insists according to his belief that it was blue, the fight begins. But if we remove the beliefs we will eat each other as to not be eaten. Again, which rules make it possible to coexist? Democracy at least has a potential. Others may say love has a potential.

By Captain_Lost• 1 Oct 2012 09:11

FS... Wow, Thanks for the info.. but how do you know this dirty secret? :P

By Formatted Soul• 1 Oct 2012 09:09
Formatted Soul

LP...Osama bin Laden..George Bush...Saddam Hussain...Bashar Al Asad..are all women!! :)

By Captain_Lost• 1 Oct 2012 09:07

Exactly.. I agree with Fatimah (as always) .. Do we really have to struggle and figure out ways to coexist ?? I mean why not just live according to your beliefs and let others live others live with their own beliefs.. very simple i guess

By FathimaH• 1 Oct 2012 09:00

Live and let live. Know that it's not upon us mere mortals to guide anyone. If you have some good advice and/or beneficial knowledge to share, do so, with good manners and humbleness. But don't assume everyone you meet will then accept everything you say to be right and true. And even if they don't still be your courteous and friendly self, and yeah back off when you must!

Oh and Guten morgen to you too MN...this greeting made me smile cos my mom always used to say this to us as kids, in jest, specially when we were all fussy and moody in the morn.

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 08:59

I think it's not possible. Our genes are programmed to eat or to be eaten. To avoid this, we need rules. That's when the differences and the trouble start, because there are no rules for everyone.

By Captain_Lost• 1 Oct 2012 08:58

Painther: Who make women "fully covered" to solve all the problems?

By MarcoNandoz-01• 1 Oct 2012 08:55

Smokie: I get your vibe mate, but thing is, you cannot convert to something you were born with already


By painther• 1 Oct 2012 08:51

LP, LOL, and making them 'fully covered" will solve all the problem

By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 08:50

Fine we all convert to gayism :|

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 08:49

The real problem is not ethnicity or religion, the real problem are women!

By smoke• 1 Oct 2012 08:48

We create a new religion and everyone converts to Smokeism

By anonymous• 1 Oct 2012 08:46

Oh you are bringing world peace?

Good luck with that

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