poitry...(it`s just atry)..
By zaidan1010 •
Its early mornning and the sky is burnning(bad company)..alone I stand with my thoughts..there... I can see it ...but why alone.. you are as me .....living ..solo.. oh yes you are..why traveling alone ....your friends where they are ....there was no replay.. i was left for my thoughts ,no one around.....oh what`s that.... it`s coming down.. no it`s so near..may be it want to chat...oh dear..just jumping around ...looking for somthing ..it pick it up and back it goes to the sky fly littel bird...... i wish i have wings...so i can fly....
Are you but a figment of my imagination?
Are you like a mist ascending from the
surface of a lake, only to disappear into the night. Will you suddenly fade like the foam on an oceans wave? Has the thought of your love intoxicated me like too much wine,
and left my vision blurred and my senses numb. Who are you, my veiled lady in the darkened night?
It matters not, thought you are real or not.
The quest for love remains my reason for being.
Life without love, is merely existence.
For is not love the one true reason for being?
Have I replaced you? Replacing you would be
like trying to replace the sun...moon...stars and
replacing everything in life that brings a smile
to ones face.
Replacing you would remove all that is soft...
warm.. and that which represents love and all that is worthwhile in life.
Replacing you would be akin to replacing the energy that fuels another day. In the darkest of hours, replacing you would remove the light of hope that spurs one on.
Have I replaced you? Never...not for all time to come and one day .
thereafter... if there be such time.
Do you think of me...as I have thought of you?
A song...a flower...a place...a restaurant and it
brings memories of you. I wonder, do you think
of me, in the silence of the night?
Childrens laughter...a mothers smile...an ocean
front at sunrise...all of it...memories of you. As
I think of you...do you...have you...thought of me?
A rose in bloom...the music of the night...a gentle
rain, all of it...you. As the thought of you, touches
my soul...I wonder...do you feel me...as I feel you?
A bird in flight...the dawning of a new day...the
loneliness of night...each and every moment...
it's you...you...you. Afraid to know the
answer...do you think of me? Do you love me...as I love you?
The gentle words...the music we loved...the places
we went...all of it...forever you. The thought returns,
again and again...do you feel the same?
A starlit night...a moon so bright...the love we knew,
I am there...are you?
Always...forever...all of it...you.
Come...rescue me with your love. Tell me...
that you have thought of me...as I have thought of you.
by (Joe Fazio )
As I lay in the water ..my body lifeless
..my mind racing...Drifting off i see
my own hell...this world i have created....The blood spills over the edge. I see my self die..I see myself live
What has this world become?
Where the terror and bliss become one.
I need a woman, not a machine.
I need love, not a ring
Empty of meaning, just a thing
When the giver ceases giving...
To selfish self only listening