PSP Lovers
By kontingpino •
Hi to everyone i just want to ask if anyone here can downgrade my psp 3001 5.55 version to downgrade to custom firmware or any solution so that i can play hack games thanks or any idea where to go for best repairing of psp and also if anyone know who can repair just comment only the contact no. and i will call to as for my questions thanks for help more power...
any models of psp can now upgrade to 6.20 ofw or 6.35 ofw. then run HEN and you can play downloaded games. as for me i only try it with ofw 6.20. and then run the 6.20 TN HEN B. GOOGLE IT. it will show you the way.
why yo have to downgrade if you can upgrade it.. i can help you, i can upgrade it to version 6.35 and you can play hack games... i have 100 games at you choice... and thank you mylyn for posting my adds... thanks...
i have a PSP but still didnt downgraded it just using as a handheld device for wifi connections but still can be downgraded in souk najada.
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