Research Interviews
I am a student at QU and I'm doing a UREP social research regarding consumerism and how Qatari citizens and traditions are influenced by the new modernized culture.
I need to interview Qatari males/females at any age, these interviews may take place anywhere and anyhow (including internet chatting and mobile or face-to-face). in addition, the interviews would be extremely simple and friendly, and mainly will tackle the "car culture", so questions like: what car do you prefer? why? and how your car present your personalty? should be expected.
Names and any other personal info are highly confidential and the interviews will be only used for academic purpose.
interviews may be conducted in English or Arabic.
people from different nationalities are highly welcomed to present their own views and theories.
I am really excited about this research and I seek your help to gather my data.
Many thanks in advance;
My methods basically goes with qualitative data, interviews are my main source, and I think I'm gonna to go with snowball samples. I may use supportive quantitative data later on.
yes maybe it is a little confusing, but young Qatari treat their cars with passion. Cars here are more than transportation, they reflect personalities and social and traditional backgrounds. you may classify people according to their cars, you can even draw a social hierarchy out of cars culture. It is really interesting how cars may identify a culture.
by the way, my research concerns with sustainable future of Qatar.
it is really, thank u
yes sure, a huge part of our research covers this aspect
PM sent
You don't plan on using any statistical tool for analysis??
If you are planning to do that then I don't think this is the correct way to get a sample population for the research.
All the best anyway..
"Live with passion, Die with style"
I dont see how car affect the culture..
Sounds like interesting research...
i know qatari ladies are fond of cosmetics like mascara, eye-shadow and eye liners...cos thats the only thing they can show to the world..
did any of you try to cover this?
actually we are 3 girls involved in this research, and our research tackles cars, buildings and shopping items (bags/make up/mobiles... etc.).
and obviously my part deals with cars.
I hope this research will relieve a lot about the intersection between modernization and traditions in Qatar.
thanks for your respond.
have you made a reserch to find out what are the other consumer items apart from cars that qataris are fond of..
you need to cover at least five popular consumer items to make the reserch more meaningful and exhaustive..