Single female parent
Hello all. I have a question in regards to sponsoring my teenage daughter to live with me in Qatar. I arrive in Doha in August 2016. I have a teaching job at one of the local schools. I was not allowed to bring my daughter with me as I was not married to her father, although he does give permission for her to come with me. Can you tell me what is the easiest process to go with? apply to immigration once here? or visa runs each month? Kind regards Daewern
thanks everyone. I would love it if she could come out but we have alternative plans for her back here in NZ. I thought I would ask and see if there was an easier way to do it. We will just do the monthly visits every few months if there isn't a straight forward process. Regards D
Easier said than done Arajput but you are right.
OP - I would certainly speak to the school and make sure they are able to get your daughter's RP. This place is all about who you know. I know one lady who is a single parent here and her daughter goes to school and has her RP. She works for some important people so strings have been pulled.
Check with the school, moving out here isn't something to take lightly, you need assurance your daughter can come, and stay.
Not an easy solution ... as this part of world not accept such practices. I recommend you to find someone and get married - as she is ur legal daughter will come adopted to the New Relation. Then u can bring her on RP ... Hope this would work out. Just all my prayer with you.
Not that it's really a permanent answer but the visa runs could be dragged out to every 60 days by extending the tourist visa.
Only issue is questions could start to get asked at immigration here and in Dubai (for example) about who she was coming to see, and visit etc.
Me and my family had a few issues when their RP was in process. I had my RP, they were doing visa runs to stay with me and it all got a bit awkward.
Just a heads up, wouldn't want her to be uncomfortable trekking back and forth and having questions asked about when she was going home when she had no REAL intention of leaving.