Visa Processing and QID
Hi Everyone,
I'm moving to Qatar soon on an Engineer visa. When I check my visa application status on MOI, it says "Under Process", does anyone know how long it takes to finalize the visa as I have to start planning my move? Also, I was born and worked in Qatar under nationality X, however, I'm now coming back with nationality Y. Is it possible to ask the employer to keep the same ID number as it will be easier for me to reinstate the driver's license, bank account, and other stuff related to the same ID? Should I tell the employer now while the visa is under process or when I land?
Yours is a very unusual request. You can give it a try with your sponsor and see how he reacts to your request. Secondly, the delay in the issuance of your visa could be due to the World Cup. You may need to wait for things to come back to the normal routine.
Thanks, buddy. No, the visa was canceled almost 7 years ago. I asked him and he told me that the QID was given to him automatically. He only requested the company if he can keep the same ID number and he got it. Lastly, my visa status still shows "Under Process" for a month now. Is it normal due to Fifa?
Possibly, he did not have his ID cancelled at the time of his departure, came back and had his sponsorship transferred to a new employer. Ask him how he went about doing this. He may be able to give you some tips.
Thank you so much for your reply mate. One of my friends who was in the same circumstance as me moved to Qatar with nationality Y and received the same QID number. I'm just curious how?
Your visa will show your current nationality even if you were born in Qatar. I don't think it would be possible for the employer to get your old ID number back as I assume when you left your visa must have been cancelled. Also, since this will be a new visa, everything will begin from the zero level and you will go through all the process required to get a QID. If your bank account is still active, you may be able to maintain the same account but it is advisable to set up a new account. It will be of more benefit. As for the driving license, you may be able to have a new one issued based on your previous license. Lastly, since your visa is under process, pack up, and be a bit patient.