babysitting-garde d'enfant
By cocochannel •
Bonjour á tous,
Je suis mere au foyer et mere d'un enfant...
Je désire faire du babysitting á mon domicile ...
Je maitrise la langue arabe et francaise(langue maternelle)...
Pour plus d'information:
thanks Alexa,
actuslly i'm french and ready to do baby sitting in my home. if any is interested in my services as baby sitter and meanwhile would like his kids to learn couple woords in french or Aabic then send mail to [email protected] .
I want to do babysitting in my home
But to answer Novita 77 yes i speak french very well so if i can help you???
No, She wish to make babysiiting herself LOL
i guess she is asking about babysitting who knows arabic & french,
translation pls .....
Frog ... you speak french right? Help me ....