Egyptians are Superior???

By gtim

Have you ever experience to have an Egyptian officemates, who act as a boss though they are not the boss? Most of the time they spoke loudly even shouting to intimidate other staffs. They are fond of name dropping (using the name of the big boss) just to show others that they have influence with the boss. But mind you, when it comes to work? “nevermind”… They are “late come first out” basis in attendance. I hate to generalize but mostly I encountered were rude and authoritative.

Sorry to some who are good natured but I just can’t help myself to express my opinion toward them. I sympathized with the other staffs, specially Asians they bullied. They think they are “Superior”? Maybe…only in their “dreams”!

By bleu• 13 Jun 2010 08:58

Nachu, if they understood English, the kids on the street may remove two words... "only", and "but"...

By boskk• 12 Jun 2010 14:03


By AlanCarr• 2 Jun 2010 21:11

So Nachu, the sticker was only half right?

By anonymous• 2 Jun 2010 11:36

This is something i saw recently on a car(sticker on backside) " i am not only intelligent, but also Egyptian"

By bleu• 1 Jun 2010 23:31

I am the most superior ... This is about me!

By britexpat• 1 Jun 2010 22:47

What Olive meant is that she is "Mother Superior"..

By nomerci• 1 Jun 2010 21:59

Every time I watch an Egyptian movie or soap opera, some guy slaps a people find that entertaining? Or is it some kind of habit?

By AlanCarr• 1 Jun 2010 21:55
Rating: 4/5

I work with two.

One is a good guy who works hard and just does what he has to as part of his job. He joins in the office and doesn't think he's superior in any way.

The other is a PA for our old boss. She comes across as rude and condescending, although I don't think she intends it that way. Sometimes, I just want to slap the gobby bint and tell her to learn some manners.

By Khan1970• 25 May 2010 09:09
Rating: 2/5

Egyptians not shouting BUT its their style of talking that their voice is loud, if you understand their language then you will know that they are not shouting, I love the style of Egyptian Language

By hamadaCZ• 25 May 2010 08:49
Rating: 5/5

You did pass the Canal (Thanks to the whole Arab nations, not only you), but you didn't win the war. Sharon was 101 KM from Cairo and he did cut the supply of your 3rd Army and completely encircled it, before a ceasefire was announced. You need to understand one thing, Am not against you or your Army achievements, Am against your Media which likes to bubble up things to raise your patriotism. You can't rely on individual examples like Ahmed Zewail to prove a point that you are superior, Ahmed Zewail attended Pennsylvania and California Institute of Technology (PhD) in addition to university of Alexandria (Bsc) of course. your schooling system is graduating millions of students, but what about Quality ? Education is about quality not quantity. You are a nation of 80 million and so is Germany, but can we say you are a superior? I don't think, Germans are superior for sure, why? Education not genes.

I believe all the people are the same and equal, perhaps the current economical and environmental factors have shaped some of the Egyptians to be ill-mannered people.

By alfa Q• 25 May 2010 08:41
Rating: 5/5
alfa Q

Your parents say you're becoming westernized anytime you get into trouble.

You curse at your teachers or strangers in Arabic.

You can spot an Arab a mile away and they have spotted you too because they keep staring.

After a family meal, the women fight to the death over who should wash the dishes while the men sit on their behinds and discuss politics/soccer, waiting for their tea.

You use your forehead and eyebrows to point something out...

Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you to dinner even if you're in the next room.

You have at least thirty cousins.

You arrive one or two hours late to a party and think it's normal.

You are standing next to the largest suitcases at the Airport.

You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house.

You say bye 17 times on the phone.

When your parents meet strangers and talk for a few minutes, you discover they know one of your uncles back home.

Your parents still scream at the top of their lungs when making long distance phone calls.

Your mother does everything for you if you are male.

You do all the housework and cooking if you are female

Your relatives alone could populate a small city.

You still came back home to live with your parents after you graduate.

You teach Americans swearwords in Arabic.

You always say "open the light" instead of "turn the light on".

Your parents drink 6 cups of tea a day.

You've had a shoe thrown at you by your mother.

Your dad, although lazy, is a master at flinging shib-shibs

Getting a visa to Europe or the States is like getting a baby,everybody tells you "mabrook"

Your dream is holding a different passport.

When you FLY overseas you find 30 people waiting for you at the airport, half of which is your family that you have never met.

You look for universities as far away from home as possible.

You fight over who pays the dinner bill (when no one really wants to pay)

When you go on a date you start thinking of lousy places where nobody would go to, so you won't bump into family or friends.

You end up in a lousy place and still bump into the relative with the biggest mouth.

If you are 25 and not married yet, your family tells you its too late.

Getting married becomes the only way you can escape your parents, unless you are part of the lower eighty percent of the population; then you live with them, even after marriage.

You say Kol Sanna Wa Inta Tayeb....EVERYDAY.

You pronounce your p's as b's (bebsi and bolice) unless you were raised also speaking a western language, a rare breed in present Egypt

You ask your dad a simple question and he tells you a story of how he had to walk miles just to get to school.

Somehow your parents were ranked first in of their class.

Your dad swears at you with words that insult himself (Ya Ibnil....)

By DaRuDe• 25 May 2010 07:33

bring it on am enjoying it guys :D

By anonymous• 25 May 2010 07:12

then who has the knowledge??

if you like to make comparison you should compare apple to apple and orange to orange

to compare egyptians with other consider the serounding

Ahmed Zoieel was superior over the Amerins when he was in the same conditions

those are the egyptian lead others of the same conditions

By flipfloper• 25 May 2010 07:07


Can't believe this is thread is still alive...

I guess the mods don't lay their fingers on stuffs like this.

By anonymous• 25 May 2010 07:05

your informations are so poor , the real miracle of the 73 war was the passing of the suez canal , which was done only by egyptians , when Sharoon was 101 km from Cairo , how many soldiers were with him then?? how many popupation were in cairo then?? if he spread his few soldiers along this distance how cold he save them?? if Sharoon and those soldgirs what would remain of the Israeli army??

the real miracle and the real success was the canal passing

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 22:56

edifis... :)

By edifis• 24 May 2010 22:50

Yes, I agree, Egybtians are superior mummy makers!

Than the Incas.

By rbakali• 24 May 2010 22:32
Rating: 4/5

The fact about Egyptians are known to every one !!!!

1- They are not Arabs... they are Africans

2- They don't speak Arabic .. they Speak Egyptian

3- They do not work as required.. they do buttering

4- They lack skills... they pertain

5- They are ... well known to us and to Management also

But why they get hired ?????

Any Idea ???

By rbakali• 24 May 2010 22:30

Shpil, this is universal truth and you can get it from several sources.

By lawa• 24 May 2010 22:27

you all are talking about mush mahendes

when they born their mothers use to say i got a mush mahendes as they born ustaz or mush mahendes

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 22:11

Phillipinos are always sensible......they never complaint unless there is a very good reason for it.........sorry, don't believe in political correctness

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 21:06

i can understand your situation, and i feel sorry if said anything wrong... but whatelse i said is fact...

egyptions speak very loudly as i experience at office... :(

By gtim• 24 May 2010 20:59

in my position i tried to be flexible in handling differnt people with differnt attitude. but sad to say today i've lost my patience.. i was fed-up and exhausted because of this ill-mannered individual.

By azilana7037• 24 May 2010 20:24
Rating: 4/5

my big boss' name.

He always say, "if you have a problem, talk to ____."

So, I told him: "We are talking here about OPERATIONS/ADMINISTRATION. So, don't tell me talk to ____ coz he's the "MANAGEMENT" and he hired you to do a job. I don't have a problem with _____ only with you and since you (and your staff) created a BIG PROBLEM with me for my department, you are answerable to me. If you can't handle your job or your staff...RESIGN and let someone who knows the job do it!!!"

From then on, he stopped mentioning the boss' name.


My point is....nationality has nothing to do with the job your hired for. Unfortunately, generally speaking...I've seen people getting hired because of the "wasta"... and these people has "the nerve" to demand a HIGH SALARY when they know nothing from SHYET....which is pathetic...gggrrrr!!!!

By shapil• 24 May 2010 19:59

Rabakali, do you personally know those 99.95% Egyptians to be bad...or did u get this stat from wikipedia?

By Raven1968• 24 May 2010 19:58

I had the pleasure in sacking one a month ago....this guy was a complete idiot....

By Raven1968• 24 May 2010 19:57

I had the pleasure in sacking one a month ago....this guy was a complete idiot....

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 19:47


I'm from Manila and Davao.

MJ: will be rooting for your appearance on the said occasion ^______________^

By Pajju• 24 May 2010 19:05

FF u from manila ? :P

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 19:02

FF, will certainly try... :)

By Pajju• 24 May 2010 19:02

mj try it .. after long time ... but onething dunt stare at me like last time :P

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 19:01

Come on MJ.

FF here wanna meet you too,..

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 18:59

Pajju, not sure yet...

By Pajju• 24 May 2010 18:58

MJ cant access now .. server is down for lil time :P

By Pajju• 24 May 2010 18:57

so MJ u wanna join us wednesday ?

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 18:57

i am relaxed Pajju... now please do something... :P

By Pajju• 24 May 2010 18:56

hmmm MJ everythin will be fine ... relax

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 18:48

Mods please delete this thread....

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 18:17


Now where are the mods when we need them...

Maam? Sir?

By treysdad• 24 May 2010 18:14

Don’t post anything that could be perceived as illegal or offensive (i.e. racist, pornographic, sexist, obscene, profane, vulgar, derogatory, hateful or threatening).

By TailChopper• 24 May 2010 18:13

it seems u get a lots of bullying from them

By rbakali• 24 May 2010 18:10

I agree there are always exception ... some 0.05% of Egyptian are good also.

By TailChopper• 24 May 2010 18:07

literate egyptions are really good and cool people

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 17:59

i agree... see what this thread has resulted to, a retaliation:

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 17:59


By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 17:58


This thread should really be locked...

By yv2r• 24 May 2010 17:56

I am soory not to hurt any particular individual,i have noticed the same attitude with Lebanese females,they dont care when they are on to phone,they wl b screeming,if they shout little bit the other side person no need of phone they could hear.

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 17:50

it's not that...

By gtim• 24 May 2010 17:49

dont' worry MJ your not an egyptian.

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 17:47

i knew this would turn into a bashing thread right from the very start...

By gtim• 24 May 2010 17:44

The fact that SOME of your people act, makes everyone in the office sick. We can tolerate the noises they make in the office but bullying someone is not good anymore. As I expect this thread would result to different opinions and even nationality bashing. So, what’s the difference in QL isn’t it is a place of bashing, cursing and hating others? I posted this forum to voice out my opinion and it’s up to everyone to post whatever they want to say.

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 17:42
Rating: 4/5

We really should not generalize a certain nationality for being superior or not.. it's not about their nationality.

it's about themselves alone.

We should put this topic into closure.

or else.. this will not end...

By Wings Of Fire• 24 May 2010 17:40
Rating: 5/5
Wings Of Fire


my boss is an Egyptian...and till now i think he is cool enough.

i know one egyptian as described by u above...

i know few of them whoom u can hang arrond...boooze and they are friendly...

So better we dont generalize the thing...u have all types of people...both goood and bad!

so i dont like generalizing the topic for the heck of it!

Gtim:- sorry to hear abt it! but u have all types of ppl...same with arabs few are good few are bad! so keep away from the bad ones and search for some good

take it lite!

have a nice day!

By shapil• 24 May 2010 16:50
Rating: 3/5

I had flagged it as offensive but not sure if that does or means anything.

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 16:49

Happy Happy, i hope the Mods do something about this...

By Happy Happy• 24 May 2010 16:42
Happy Happy

........gtim, I didn't know you too were a r-c-st?! I'm indeed shocked to say the least. Thought you're balanced, but then again, surprises never cease on QL.

I haven't flagged this thread as offensive, and not going to bad mouth you back, as I'm genuinely "Superior" to ill manners.

You may continue spouting your poison...

By lemontree• 24 May 2010 16:37

i was buying a software to reduce the size of videos

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 16:28

its long time, not see you.

where had u been?

By lemontree• 24 May 2010 16:20

i work with decent and sweet cant generalize

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 16:16
Rating: 4/5

LoL at .com they surely will sank you..

anyway... I don't have problem with my Egyptian workmates.

They don't react even if I always come late or most of the time... absent...

When I was new in the company. one person told my boss I always come late and goes to work for only 4 days in a week.

But my boss told him to never mind me. just do his own work.

I like my boss.

By dr.egypt• 24 May 2010 16:15

You are now in tea time :(

i thank that ...

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 16:09

yes i'm agree and i like the way they say "sankk you" :P

By lucky5• 24 May 2010 16:06

egyptian is number 1 in any you agree!!!!!!!!!!!

By lucky5• 24 May 2010 16:05

egyptian did not build the phyramid nor suez canal..............analys this please.....ok?

By soniya• 24 May 2010 16:04

Even i've worked with the worst, aggressive, short tempered EGYPTIAN CONTRACTOR in my ex-company..Don't wanna go in detail about his attitude and anger..Better to be silent..

By hamadaCZ• 24 May 2010 16:03
Rating: 5/5

you are wrong about 1973 , Egyptians almost lost Cairo in 1973, Ariel Sharon was 101 km away from Cairo and he was stopped only by the ceased fire agreement. Egyptians didn't fight that war alone, Algeria (which you diss in Egyptian media) sent a Squadron of Su-7 and MiG 21, but as always you claim everything for yourselves and forget all the Arab nations which stood by you. Another typical Egyptian.

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 15:59

is it ur tea time :P

By Aroob• 24 May 2010 15:58

i m 100% agree with you.they dont have any knowledge about work but they show liek we are arabic ppl .i m sorry to say they are just good in mandoob work not other then else ...they just want to butterin the boss and believe this is the way of workk ..

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 15:56


Let's not argue on that anhymore...

Only the time can prove who's right and wrong...

but somehow none of us is right neither wrong.

It's our own different perception.

By Victory_278692• 24 May 2010 15:54

Yes, People do salute Rich and Powerful people that doesn't mean they are superior over others.

Those are not ONLY criteria to evalue any human in terms of Superior or inferior.

By hamadaCZ• 24 May 2010 15:52
Rating: 5/5

Absolutely , The DNA test on some the mummies which was denied later by the current Egyptian lead Archaeologist (Zahi Hawaas) and has described DNA test as "Inaccurate test" has proven that the race which dominated Egypt back then was African . If you go today to the southern part of Egypt, you will see and meet people who look similar to sculpted images on the temples and pyramids.There are many published articles by well known scholars and archaeologists about this topic but no one is willing to accept the fact that one day there was an African civilization "Too good to be African". just have a look at Sphinx, that is an African face !

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 15:49


Let's be practical.. you know what I said is true.

If you have the money, power and control...

You can be superior to others.

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 15:47



Atleast we know how to say "Excuse me" and how to fall in line properly...

We're just being generous...

And some people just take advantage of that..

By Victory_278692• 24 May 2010 15:45

Don't make QL a bashing ground!

No nationality or money or power makes anybody (humans) superior or inferior :(

It is ONLY our attitude, humbleness, modesty, brotherhood and respect of fellow human being makes ONE start self assessment and check where we really stand now!

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 15:42

dont mind silly comments, i just luv them becoz of their Yes sir

Yess sirr

Yesss sirrr

Yessss sirrrrrr

attitude and politeness.

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 15:42

this thread is heading down the drain... as expected...

By shapil• 24 May 2010 15:42

If we all know that over generalizations are most likely false, then why make them in the first place and ask others to join in? It reeks of a weak mind and herd mentality with utter insensitivity towards the class you are generalizing. If you have had multiple bad experiences with a particular class then either avoid them in future or be cautiously ready to be positively surprised...but either way please dont indulge in class bashing at a public forum....just my two cents with no offence meant to anywone.

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 15:41

Ramses II was truly superior. But that was 1200 BC.

By gudone• 24 May 2010 15:39
Rating: 4/5

i hav also experiencd the same , somwat rudeness... ... shoutin,aggressiveness, actin lik boss, aftr their coworkers hardwork.... & without those hardworkers permission..(probably in their absense) .. submit their works & gains promotion.... most often last in first out 4 duty...

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 15:39
Rating: 2/5

Mind you Samdin.

Filipinos are born and raised in a polite community...

If you seem to notice that a Filipino always says Yes Sir or Yes Maam.

It doesn't mean we are seeing that person superior to us.

We are just used of being so polite.

By Victory_278692• 24 May 2010 15:37

I agree with "General Observation" is quite right!

They are Intelligent, Agreesive, Loud and Snob in most of the field and run around Qataris like honeybee!

(No offense blz)

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 15:36
Rating: 5/5

Superior are those who are currently

in possession of money, control and power..

Now if you possess those three.

then shall I believe that you are indeed superior among others.

But if you say you are superior because of history.


It's just a history... We're talking about present.

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 15:32

Egyptioans pose to be superiors by conduct and not by work... and have you noticed filipinas trying to be smart by washing bosses shoes? YES SIRRRR... YES SIRRR A THOUSAND TIMES

By Arien• 24 May 2010 15:32

superiority is not counted according to one's nationality race sex or colour gtim.

By tatess• 24 May 2010 15:32

or feeling superior??? whatever.

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 15:27

acting as a boss though i'm not the boss to many? Most of the time i spoke loudly even shouting to intimidate other staffs.

By Tarsiers• 24 May 2010 15:08

People living there were niether egyptians, nor arabs. They don't relate by any mean to the egyptians now. Totally different people.

By Raven1968• 24 May 2010 15:06

exactly spongebob, built on the slavery of other nations....certainly not the brains and intelligence (or lack of) of Egyptians....

By Olive• 24 May 2010 15:05

Yup they built the pyramids, then covered them in garbage. Dug the suez canal, then filled it with garbage. Beat Israel once and got it's ass kicked every time least they haven't managed to fill Israel with garbage yet.

By spongeboob• 24 May 2010 14:59

These accomplishments were performed by Egyptian Slaves! These projects were thought of and designed by others.

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 14:56
Rating: 2/5

the egyptians have built the pyramids 137 m hight 1 million of stones each of 1 ton 4000 years ago, digged the the suez canal 170 km long 200 m width 9 m depth 150 years ago,beated Israel supported by the US in 1973 war

can anybody tell me what did his people do???????

By Raven1968• 24 May 2010 14:56
Rating: 5/5

boskk your country may have been superior back when you built the pryamds but 2000 years later, you are superior to no one, in fact I'd rather live in Doha than cairo and thats saying somnething...

By hamadaCZ• 24 May 2010 14:50
Rating: 4/5

few days ago, a guy behind me started honking in a very annoying manner, I stepped out of the car asking him " what is the problem" , his reply was "am not honking at you, am honking at the guy in front of you near the roundabout" , I was 4 cars away from the roundabout and the guy at the roundabout can't get into the roundabout for a very good reason, the roundabout is just full !!! guess what ? the guy who was honking was Egyptian. I don't like generalizing or profiling people, but Egyptians are very persistent people, they get what they want by any means necessarily and they are ready to apologize all the time for their means, with a smile in front of you and a curse behind your back. I have met some decent Egyptians in Doha, but they are rare.

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 14:49

wallah i tell you at my office... egyptions speak loudly seems like a fish market... they dont even care one is working or dealing with the customer...

sbeak too moch... wurk less moch!!!

By kanmano• 24 May 2010 14:30
Rating: 4/5

-I fully agree with you -Sun26872 this culture is not only with Egyptians even with Europeans and few Indians as well.

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 14:11

Is 'name dropping' a typical culture here? Because I always used to believe people when they talked about big people in relation to their own insignificant activities.

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 14:07
Rating: 4/5

due to the language advantage they enjoy at work. By nature, I observed Egyptians to be more aggressive at work and works to their advantage in positions related to administration,dealing with govt.agencies etc.

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 14:03
Rating: 3/5

No it's not..

You're a coyote..

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 14:02

Khanan, sad but true....

By Rizks• 24 May 2010 14:00

flipfloper is tat suppose to be funny ?

By Olive• 24 May 2010 13:59

You can't be superior WK. You're a man.

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 13:59

LoL Rizkz..

Please don't Bark Here..

Can't you see the sign? it says No Barking.

Now remove your car. and Bark somewhere else.

By Pajju• 24 May 2010 13:58

ouch .. excusme :D

By flipfloper• 24 May 2010 13:57

If you have problem with that person..

Why not tell him about it...

Or tell your boss...

By drmana• 24 May 2010 13:57

Hope this doesn't bring chupachups out from his hibernation

By Khanan• 24 May 2010 13:56

bashing and generalizing...

By gtim• 24 May 2010 13:56

i can.. but i need to drink my bebsi and eat bobcorn virst.. later..

By mjamille28• 24 May 2010 13:55

not again...

By anonymous• 24 May 2010 13:55

Olive you are wrong, I am Superior

By Rizks• 24 May 2010 13:53

were is my bebsi and bobcorn ?

By Confus3d• 24 May 2010 13:53

any particular incident you would like to share ....

By gtim• 24 May 2010 13:53

khanan, they always exist..

By Olive• 24 May 2010 13:52

I am superior. Everyone else is inferior.

By Khanan• 24 May 2010 13:51

I thought we are done wihth the Egybtians on QL..:)

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