A muslim canadian bangladeshi family with one kid (8 yr old) looking for a part time to full time housemaid/cleaner who can also help with cooking.
Located at Al Rayaan Al Luqta area near US embassy,
Initially, we are looking to hire for 3 days a week, 6 hours a day. If all goes well, the job will be full time, 7 hours a day with half an hour break, 5 days a week after 3 months. Hours will be from 12 PM to 6 PM initially and 11:30 PM to 7 PM when full time. You will need to arrange your in coming ride and I may be able to drop you after work or give you a transportation allowance.
The candidate will be treated professionally with respect and kind. However, the same will be expedcted in return. You must be clean and neat, organized and be able to speak bangla or hindi. English is a bonus. You will be doing regular household work, cleaning and most importantly, you will be expected to cook Bangladeshi/Indian/Pakistani food. This is important. If you cannot or do not want to cook, do not apply for this job.
The salary will be hourly and negotiable.
You must be residing in Qatar. No out of country applicant.
Whatasapp/viber at 974 6675 8336.
All scammers and spammers will be reported to authorities.