Cost of Living
Im an expat living in KSA, I have a job offer with salary of 25K, inclusive are tuition, accomodation, round trip tickets and medical insurance for me and wife and two 5 and 6 years old children,is it sustainable to live in qatar with this salary? I have a 10K salary here in KSA with free accomodation, tuition for my kids and plane tickets. can somebody there will give some info in cost of living in qatar. thank you very much. God Bless!
amnesia i am looking for villas around 9k and 10k but havent been able to find any. if u know kindly inform me! Qatman is right the minimum i have found are for 12k which is very rare!
Your salary as per market is very good. my suggestion you can save money in Qatar, you can get 2 bedroom unfurnished for QR 7000 - 8000, rest food items is not very expensive as compare to KSA. So should be saving around 10 - 12k easily after all expenses depending on your life style
As you mentioned other benefits are covered by Co. such as tuition/medical/ticket ..
Rest is your choice ;-)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmman , stay where u r
Villas don't start from 12k they start from 9-10 depending on location, size, and quality.
However either way, you said that accommodation is included in your 25k so it means that you'll spend around 3k for your youngsters each.
That's 6 and then 10, that's 16 already. We haven't reached medical and the rest yet and you're already at 9k left. Your job is Saudi is better for you so far.
With the salary you mention I guess you are better off in KSA. The rents are very high in doha and so is the cost of living. A decent accommodation, if a flat will be around 6000 and a villa will start from 12,000.