leia ...
By leia ...

Hello everyone...I have a question PLEASE help me... I have a job offer in qatar..for an airline company, I live in south america and the people of the company came and choose people to work for them..the basic salary they offer is 1700 usd after 6 month..the first 6 is just 904 usd..tax free, they give you the aparment, pay for electricity, phone, water, and food. we wont spend much time in qatar because we will be flying most of the time...

do you think that i can have a good life with that salary?? or is too little and not worthy to cross the world to live like that?? i will apreciate your help as soon as possible cause i have to make this difficult dessition... thank you very much

By yashtnr• 30 Dec 2013 22:50

poda mairaaaaaaaaaa

By Oryx• 7 Jun 2009 07:08


By Oryx• 7 Jun 2009 07:05

No esta bien pagado pero eres joven y hay un crisis economica

Hay muchos latinos aqui....y puedes hacer amistades de todo el mundo sin problema......

By RichardExS• 7 Jun 2009 05:00
Rating: 4/5


I am Richard from the Philippines. I just received a job offer as a QA Engineer and the company is giving me QR3,300.00, QR400.00 food allowance and free housing and transportation... I would like to ask if this is a good one. Thank you very much!

By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 09:28

hi aldric vincent, may i ask some information from you?

I am from manila and offered 4,000 QR as basic salary + commissions + free accommodation + car. Can i survive on this? My lifestyle is simple and status is single. probably how much can i save with this monthly? thanks for your answers.

By leia ...• 12 Mar 2009 03:20
leia ...

i think i might go...see you around °°

By leia ...• 28 Feb 2009 21:42
leia ...

thanks aldric, any other comment?

By aldricvincent2006• 27 Feb 2009 04:05
Rating: 4/5

hello leia..

don't you worry because the offer is nice..my sister is working there..Don't believe some of the comments because they don't know it. first few months you'll feel home sick but don't worry because you will have lots of friends in here..my sister always tells her co worker or crews to love their job to have a smooth flying and enjoy to roam around the world...just PM me if you decide to accept the job offer so i can give you my some tips and advices.


By leia ...• 27 Feb 2009 03:24
leia ...

dora...sos de españa, no? te envie un mensaje privado..podes responderme porfa?

By anonymous• 27 Feb 2009 03:22

that is an ok package, In todays world, you would be fine with that. I would ask for perhaps another 2,000 Riyals but if they don't give it. Be happy with what was offered.

By anonymous• 27 Feb 2009 02:59

Just use common sense....thats all!

By leia ...• 27 Feb 2009 02:51
leia ...

I hAve another question!!! life there is very different for a girl, right? I read the other topic that says "why are they dressing like that".. of course I wont go and wear shorts or mini skirts..i don't like to dress that way or call everyone's attention..but what about jeans?? or normal clothes? here in my country we are the same..men and women, there's nothing that we can't do here, there are women that are bus drivers, firefighters, ministries of the government, president!!! how are women treated there?? is just a question..i hope not to offend anyone with this.. but i read someone that says "they should be punish, and better if is in a public place"...that really scares...

By leia ...• 24 Feb 2009 19:01
leia ...

thank you for answering mandy...of course I would love to be a flight attendant, even i have no experience! i would love to know different cultures and travel around there..

my answer is.... Would I be fine with that amount there?? i can live a good life??a decent life? with any needs? I dont go there to expend all my money and give it all on shopping or whatever..i just want to know if i'll be okay there..is a culture completely different..i don't knmow anything about you, i'll be ALONE with no one!! that's why im a little scare, i need to make sure that it wont be sad or having needs, of course it 'll be hard the first weeks..or even month..but i want to be sure if that amount will work for me there

By Vegas• 24 Feb 2009 14:22

Her expeses are paid unlike most..

So yeah maybe she should take it...

You can't teach experience...

By anonymous• 24 Feb 2009 11:37
Rating: 2/5

it's a good start and depending on your lifestyle (and your age), I would presume that you will enjoy your first job. But I would suggest that you keep an amount equal to your flight back home in case you really don't like to stay. So you go home anytime you want to.

But I'll guarantee you, you'll enjoy here in Doha (you won't even notice it because you are always on the move).

But in the remotest possibility that you still feel bored and lonely, QL is here to be with you!!!

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By Mandilulur• 24 Feb 2009 11:27

The salary to begin with is low. But I can tell you that there are doctors, lawyers and PHDs working as flight attendants because they love it. It's not all about the salary. You get hooked on this job.


By qatarisun• 24 Feb 2009 09:16

leia , "You can't teach experience..." is Vegas's 'signature'..

it has not been applied to your particular case... :)


“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

By anonymous• 24 Feb 2009 08:57
Rating: 4/5

The salary is too low. Life is very different from where you are. If you are in a desperate situation and just need the job then jump for it and then don't complain, go with the flow. But if not, just don't take it. I am telling you through experience. If you like experiencing what life is about and need to explore then join and if you don't like it, QUIT.

By ksarat16• 24 Feb 2009 08:39

LOL...Now now you should know very well that Speed Darling, I know Bhabhi and I wont hesitate to tell her that you are flirting online here ... so stop spoiling the image building that is going on here especially for Khanan, Darude and KSA... LOL! they haven't even stepped in here...!!!

And Leia dont listen to SPEED...he's just joking...you might as well bring hmmm...lets see now...Maybe since you come from the South Americas...Capim Cubano Collection...and dont' forget to go to the CARINVAL!!! What do you say...?

By SPEED• 24 Feb 2009 08:26

pick you up from the Doha Airport ;-) and few other like DaRude and Khanan will follow him.....

And don't forget to bring one stick with you to hit on their head ;-)

By ksarat16• 24 Feb 2009 08:21

Finish to read with a smile, thats not too bad eh...in this time of the evening down there...finishing with a smile is pretty decent enough...!!! And You are welcome!!! LOL ! And yea if Travelling was primary on your WISH-LIST of life, then trust me, it will go on!

And now secondly, sometimes girl, you dont know how luck strikes and opportunities knock on your door...this one just came by and its good that you have something that you have always wanted to do coming your way...whether you accept it or not is a different thing...

A person can survive anywhere in the world if he's got the right attitude and respect towards Life girl...its a really nice thing that your family is there to support you and stuff like that...you're still studying its not like your career has started...this is however would be your probable start to the career and aspirations...

And before anything, girl, The Spelling is "DECISION" just for your kind information...:)

What Speed meant up there for a comment "No Jobs in the Current Market" was basically bcos even highly educated people are still yet to join the workforce of employment, they're still in the league of Unemployment due to the Economic Crisis...you have got this opportunity which is really GOOD!

Third, speaking of whether you will be able to survive and you have the courage or not, well its a totally personal decision girl...you want to stay that Mommy and Daddy's little girl forever or you want to step out and reach for the stars...you want to always be spoon-fed with life or you want to ensure that you yourself are the person who is holding the spoon is feeding yourself...whether you want anyone else to control the decisions you would make today and tomorrow in life, or you want to stand on your two little (or big) feet and be able to make those decisions and STAND UP for them no matter what...

Always remember, there is NO RIGHT OR WRONG decision in life alright, its just basically how it works out to be as a result...this could be a life- breaking decision for you to come, but at the same time it could be life-making...so its basically as to how you would MAKE USE and GOOD AND PROPER USE OF IT! Thats why I say, Step out of your Comfort Zone and Try and Reach for Greater Heights...when you stay with family, parents all around you, the chances of you using your inner thinking and your ability to think and decide FOR YOURSELF are quite limited, so thats why, every child needs to step out and face the world on their own...I'm a child I KNOW IT! LOL! You have never been in this situation and if you accept this offer, travelling from across the world, its going to be totally new, accepted, but hey as you said, NOT EVERYONE IS BORN WITH EXPERIENCE...you need to give it a CHANCE, and THE RIGHT ATTITUDE TO FACE THAT CHANCE and above all, TIME to settle in and guess what, end of the day...exactly 2 yrs down the lane, look back and you would find about 300 passengers waiting to be served by Leia, Flight Attendent of some Reputed Airline!!!

So truly speaking, take your time, and see as to how you would go about making this decision...no hurry, no worry and dont forget to take your family into confidence cos when you have their backing, trust me girl, The Path in front of you will LOOK SO WELCOMING...!!!

And yes, when you get your azz to Doha, we shall party!!! LOL !

And do keep posting cos people on board QL (not QA) are pretty helpful to give you 2 cents worth of their thoughts...!!!

By leia ...• 24 Feb 2009 07:59
leia ...

ksarat...i finish to read your answer with a smile...the sailor part really makes me laugh, thanks again for all the persons answering..

i have a little more time to decide if ill go there or not, but is a hard desition... is not like one of the aswers above where someone says about that there's no job , in my country of course we have those problems too but actually I do have a good work, im studying at college and i have no complains of my life here, im still living with parents and they help me a lot...well.they help me in everything..and this opportunitty just came out of nothing, i didn't even plan to attend the open day or anything, i went with a friend and take my CV and everything just in case, she didn't pass the second elimination and i did, from the first to the final interview! i wanted to travel around the world since i remember and maybe this is my one life time opportunity, but im really REALLY scared, i don't want to go there and suffer,,,i dont know if im brave enough...well I think I am..I need to face a similar situation (and i never did) but...

thanks again! ill pray for a signal...and i'll let you guys know my final desition! ok?? and we'll make a party at doha if I deside to go! haha

By ksarat16• 24 Feb 2009 07:32
Rating: 5/5

Seriously girl, take it easy, I see that you got carried away with the tests and all that...

So to say the least, Mandi and The-Birdie have spoken though...and absolutely well spoken by both of them...

Take the offer, and as Speed says, in today's world, nobody is talking about Finance & Business. Everyone are only talking about "SALARY"...

So seriously, take the offer and gain that experience that you so much require and basically nobody is asking you and you also take a personal advice, NEVER TO SEE THIS AS YOUR DESTINY...

If you want to be a Flight Attendent and Enjoy being that, then girl, its high time you realize that "You Are Born for the Skies" so truly speaking nothing should keep you tied down to Qatar Airways or Emirates or any such ONE Airline company...

Whether the market might go down or not, THE AIRLINES WONT STOP unless the situation is so bad and that people would start using the BOATS like Good Old Days :P then you could turn to be a sailor so the Skies and the Seas are open for you girl...


Cheers...and for all this you'd better INVITE Mandi, the-Birdie, PM, Speed, Vegas and KSA "AN ADVICE GIVING PARTY"...LOL!

Cheers Girl, and btw, very quickly, All The Very Best for your TESTS and try not to fail in these TESTS ATLEAST!!! LOL LOL !!!

By SPEED• 24 Feb 2009 07:18
Rating: 2/5

not have any other choice, specially looking at the current job market it is very very bad. People with MBA degree are knocking door to door for a job even they are ready to do a Flight Attended job !!

By the-birdie• 24 Feb 2009 07:02
Rating: 5/5

1700 USD, even after 6 months, is not a good salary


You earn experience from QA, and move to other jobs

Do you have to sign any contrct that you will work here for 3 years ?..then dont do it.

1. the salary 904 USD, is enough, since you are getting

one of the best accomodation ( I have seen how these

girls , it is just like a Hollywood studio )

2. But it is also a 5-star jail. I heard that they kept

hidden camera, to fnd out who are the girls regularly

come late and heard even tapping the telphones

3. My niece is wroking in QA. I know lots of inside

stories. All are under intimidation, and having less


4. Even if you dont have flights, you are not free to

move around, because any moment u may get a call and

you have to report on duty. Imagine u are at a cinema

at City center and u get a call

5. Most of the girls know only two shpping malls - City

Center and Lulu Hyper markets. And the corner grocery

who supplies bread,egg, milk on getting order thru


6. You wont gt transportation for pvt work. At the same

time u are not allowed to use the "illegal pvt" taxis

and the Govt-owned Mowasalat taxis are rare to find

7. Each day prior to flight, you have to study like a

school kid. Becaue, the operations in A320 ,A 300 or

other types are very different. Before engaging you

for any flight, there will be regular test to know

your memory

8. Since yo are flyig always, your food expenses is

covered always in the duty hours. When u are back, you

order from the Restauratn !!! ( unless u r sleeping )

Though the above points look discouraging, I will still advise you to come and join. You are gtting experience from a prestgious airlines, whihc will help you to find a better job later

By Mandilulur• 24 Feb 2009 06:17
Rating: 5/5

Vegas, actually the starting salary at QR is comparable to starting salaries for F/As at US airlines. It's just that US carriers' salaries go up steeply after 5 years to a living wage. I really don't think that $20,000 tax-free with housing, transportation and food is too bad for a person starting out in the work force. AND it can be a fun job.


By leia ...• 24 Feb 2009 04:28
Rating: 2/5
leia ...

im sorry..maybe I overeacted..i have to study for a test at university and also some issues..but..never mind. Ok thank you for aswer..really. and Vegas, they have 1,000 qr at Mc dolands and they have to pay their aparments and everyday food? i need just to have a clue..cause i think that 1700 usd are like 6,000 QR? am i right? please correct me if im wrong, cause that will e basically my salary(after 6 month),sometimes less, sometimes more, i could have more than 2000 usd, depending on hours of flying and other little things..and that's tax free, and free accomodation, electricity, water and phone...and food while im out of doha...

im so confuse!!!

By Vegas• 24 Feb 2009 01:33

A flight attendant in the us would never work for such a low salary. Even at Mcdonalds you can get 10 dollars an hour. Depending what part of the country your in of course. So that 1600USD a month working for Mcdonalds...

Here I think maybe they get 1,000QR???? I had no idea people lived on such low waages until I got here...

Just blows my mind...But as they say it a stepping stone...Put a few years in...Get experience...Then jump to another airline??? I guess that what they do???

You can't teach experience...

By leia ...• 24 Feb 2009 00:53
leia ...

of course i know that "you can't teach experience"...but vegas...¿do you know EVERYTHING?,fight attendants born with experience??they were suppose to start from the botton..or not? im 20!! i'm a very capable person..i can learn, there's nothing impossible if you put the effort to be a good employer, or person or whatever.. and for the one that says that "we dont need more useless people here" (or something like that,qatarism says it)...how do you know im "useless"?? ...im just asking for your help and opinions guys...you dont need to be rude, i need to make a desition ..a life desition..but maybe writting here wasnt the best idea...if Good people want to aswer me and tell me your opinion please do it..even if you say i shouldn't go. it dosen't matter..ill be thankful but dont be Bad!

By qatarisun• 23 Feb 2009 08:57
Rating: 4/5

here you go.. the first applicant for the BF role...

would you able to manage her expenses, ksa? :)


“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

By Vegas• 23 Feb 2009 08:21

You can't teach experience...

By ksarat16• 23 Feb 2009 08:20
Rating: 4/5

Well Leia...

Its all about what you wanna do VS what you are aiming for...

Like another writer says, you want to enjoy that job then its quite nice...cos this particular job and the salary is pretty much the same around the world...

So it wouldn't bother...and well that amount is just about reasonable only because you have the rest of the costs paid...!!!

And well most of the places do give a good set of discounts for QR Staff and your freaking tickets are free girl...no complains in that department ey... LOL!

Cheers and have a good time... and look forward to see you soon in Doha!!!

By qatarisun• 23 Feb 2009 08:05
Rating: 5/5

1.904 usd is very low salary. You will have enough for the food, basic cheap shopping, and a bit here and there. No any savings or "Good life with any needs".. ..

...unless you get a BF who will take care of your expenses..lol...

2.1700 USD sounds a bit better..but not really, just the average one..

...unless (see No.1..lol)


“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

By Mandilulur• 23 Feb 2009 06:35
Rating: 5/5

The one thing you won't be is alone! You will be in QR housing with all your other flying partners and friends and you will be with lots of people every day. You will be so people-inundated that you will be begging for a bit of solitude now and then!

If you were with a carrier in the US you'd be making the same amount of basic salary but you'd be paying for your own housing and all other expenses. Therefore I'd say that with housing, food and utilities provided, almost $20,000 US a year is pretty darn good! I'd say go for it, it will be really hard and frustrating work, but you'll kick yourself five years from now if you don't. I had a friend who cried every day her first six months as a flight attendant and she will have 20 years flying soon.


By Mandilulur• 23 Feb 2009 06:10
Rating: 5/5

I think you have to make the decision based on the job rather than the salary. Do you want to be a flight attendant more than anything? Then come and have a good time. Are you more interested in a good salary? Then don't apply to the airlines because the starting salaries the world over are abysmal. In US and European carriers you would earn every little to begin with and then after 5-10 years make a reasonable salary. At QR you will start low and stay low. It really depends on how long you think you will be doing the job.


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