Seat Belt Fine - Is it to protect the Driver or to make money?????
Last Thursday evening, I went to City center for shopping. As usual, there was no parking available in the alloted parking lot. Hence I stopped my car and was waiting for someone who takes their car from the parking so that I can park my car. I removed my seat belt and then moved my car some 20 mtrs in search of parking. Suddenly there appeared a Cop and issued me a fine. I know that It was my mistake of not wearing a belt. But is it a serious violation to remove your belt while searching for a parking inside a mall. I was really upset as I always follow the traffic rules strictly and I got a fine for this issue. Please share your views.
You've dug uself into a hole, so pay for that..
Traffic rules shld be followed by all..Noone can hide him/herself by giving lame excuses..
You were driving the car, without your seat belt buckled... Pay the fine.
Yes. 100% your mistake. Seat belts are saving the life of passengers. One of my friends got an accident in Saudi Arabia recently and survive with injuries because of the seat belt he use. His co passenger thrown out from the vehicle and died on the spot because he didnt use it.
Did you ever take the driving test here for your license? Do you think the policeman beside you will give you a passing score the moment your vehicle moved without your seatbelt on? I don't know where these questions are coming from, more so the person asking such question.
Seatbelt is for your safety. Period. Even if you are parking your car, or looking for a slot, it is your responsibility to buckle up. Simple rule of thumb: If the vehicle is moving, you should buckle up. The police officer found you driving and putting yourself at risk of getting hurt, hence the fine. You should be thankful enough to be reminded, than put this nonsense question.
Really get caught while looking for parking slot inside the building?