This is my story...
Please help me spreading the global awareness about what is happening in my country
Please share this video on ur facebok pages
I ll appreciate that too much
Thanks in advace
One Shot, you did not make me sad. The way humanity is going does. Please don't apologise to me my bruv from a different mother and father. Unfortunately I do not have FB but surely I will spread the awareness like I do for all similar miseries suffered by the vulnerable and innocent ones.
I know some people can create a petition to the UN and gets it signed by people. Is there something similar which is around. Does any one know? Let me know. I will surely electronically sign it. I did one for the Palestinian cause.
Thanks a lot.
this comment has been edited to put the link that sulieman put.
thanks sulieman
i am sorry that i made you feel sad , it wasn't my intention to do that at all.
all what i am asking is your prayers , and spread the awareness.
my deep apology for that my friend
Thanks Sulieman for the link.
One Shot: I cannot but feel gutted after watching the video. This is so complicated. I really don't know what the truth is in Syria. Being a non-Syrian and non-Arab, I find it hard to understand the situation. But for sure, there is ONE God watching and surely Tyrants can't last forever. As a Muslim, I feel ashamed to call myself Muslim because I can't do anything to help. We the normal people can't do nothing because no matter how many petitions we make, they go unheard. Those in power ignore us all.
I look at that boy face and wonder what if my kids were to face such ordeal. Okay, these words are not his. There is a similar video in French too with the same boy. Whether this is propaganda or not, it does not matter. What is happening is not right. What is becoming of the Muslim community? I don't know what to say. I feel so sad that I had to live to see such videos. I wished I was never born to see what's happening in the world and can't do nothing. Sometimes I want to believe animals are better than humans.
I pray for your country dear. I sincerely do.
I beilieve that civilized world could do something
The word is effective and we cant forget that one word made this lunatic idiot move his sadestic army against his people
Ask ur father sure he know it it is in the old city of aleppo, it is ancient and built more than 1000 years.
He will know it for sure
Aleppo is my city, today the regime bombed the minaret of old moque called the omawi mosque
This mosque was mosque and church at the same time
And until 1960 christians & muslims were praying next to each others.
Until the father of this dictator came and stopped that.
When will this war get end?? This will be the longest running war to oust the ruling regime so far in any country...My heart sinks when i see some horrible footage on news channel...I moved by the plight of children who have lost their entire family in this bloody war...My father was working in ALEPPO until last year..But he has to moved out cause of sudden outburst at commercial (Aleppo)hub..
Hope we see a bright future of SYRIA soon...
Tragic .. What for the heck is the so called international community waiting for ?
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot and i appreciate your prayers
Thanks a lot
I think i have a problem with ql regarding links or next time i ll create topics from my laptop
We will help with our prayers
May Al Mighty God resolve your problem whatever you facing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a problem in the video
this is another link
Thanks a lit for yoyr prayers and i hope that when war is end to visit us there( after war;) )
We built syria long time ago and we will do it again
I trust my people
So many young lives lost. Families being torn apart and a grey future for the next generation.
Syria, a great nation with a rich cultural past is going through upheavel caused by men of evil.
I hope and pray that common sense prevails and peace comes about quickly for the benefit of all..
Nope It is blocked for Rizks as well.
i thought only mine is blocked :)
Will check from home as youtube is blocked at work.