Student looking for part time or full time job. Where can i get one?
I'm looking for a part time or a full time job. I have finished my first year in Mechanical Engineering in India and plan to continue here. As I have nothing to do till next year, I'm in need of a job to kill time and also for the experience. I am fluent in English, Hindi and French and also learning Arabic.I am on my fathers sponsorship in qatar. I'm well versed with microsoft office and basically anything related to networking.
With sincere thanks.
For further details please call 55415058.
No company would employ a 18 year old boy - That too in Qatar - Take some inplant training in India in BHEL or HAL or in some INDUSTRIAL WORKSHOPS - manufacturing company. Dont expect money, gain only knowledge first. Dont waste your time here in Qatar trying for a part time job. Jobs in Qatar need 8 to 10 years good experience in mechanical engineering to get employed in som egood oil/gas companies.