I don't know whats wrong, sorry for writing another topic.
Qatari, in the box where I should write the reply there is a funny language I don't know what it is!All codes and numbers.I tried to past and copy but I can't get them in!
How the heaven can you understand that language ! Bless ya!
Thank you soooo much Qatari!Thank youuuu!!
Test from your account...
If Allah willed, He would have made you one nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of you (all) is to Allah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ.
Any One wana learn Farsi Call 5390257
Qatari, It's definitely my account! I tried another computer and still I can't post replies.
Please, Just log in and see whats wrong, you can log in can't you?
If it's not possible, can you at least add my points from Aisha's account to this one?
hey it's me, Aisha..
Thank you Qatari and Safwany, the problem must be in my acount itself.
Qatari, I know I have the most incridable ways to annoy people, but this is my laaaast request, (hopefully!). can you please log in as Aisha and see whats wrong with my acount? maybe it's the picture and signiture, I dunno...
Sorry and thank you!
Not me...
Aisha maybe there is something wrong with your operating system or with the browser.
Is anyone else having this problem?