Whats wrong with the Ladies in Qatar??
I got some questions I im lookin for answer to it ..
Wats worng with the ladies in Qatar ..?? by the way im not talking about the locatls now that’s totally different story!! Im talking about the expats ladies here .. y the acting kind of strange once they arrive here??
I mean lets take Qatar airwayz capin crew as an example.. once the arrived here for the 1st time they c big cars and wealthy ppl around so they well search for an wealth westran guy or any better options ….guyz had any off u been to clubz and try to talk to girls .. would u give me ur experience so we can define for the  girls here wat we think is wrong here specially in Qatar, most of u noticed that I still didn’t start the questions!!  Coz
That’s only the 1st series
I’ll wait for some replys  1st
If you are not having any luck perhaps you need to turn the question back on yourself?
Just a thought....
The ratio is 1 lady is to 50 guys here. What do you think ?
A plain Jane will turn 'Beauty' the moment she arrive & she's just enjoying her 'sudden popularity' to the fullest. I guess that's why you sense the 'proud' comes from :p