Papers Required to move to Doha
Hi Everyone!
I'm sure this question has been asked a couple of times in the forum - but it appears there are changing rules and conflicting information on the web.
I am in the process of being offered a financial position in Doha, and I would like to know prior to moving, what are all the papers required for a US cit to bring to process the work/residence visa.
So far, I understand all I need is my passport, US driving license, and last academic diploma received - i.e. my college degree. Is there anything else?
All replies and advice would be greatly appreciated.
thanks everyone. I guess I'll try the online route...
from your current country of residence, your country of birth, and your country of citizenship.
Some countries can't do them (e.g. Afghanistan), but you would be very hard pressed to explain why you couldn't get one from the US. You should be able to apply by mail, or online.
I think you have to get it from the place of your permanent address but try the Dubai route.
Who knows...
Thanks for the reply from both of u...
Just curious if this letter of conduct is absolutely necessary as I am living in Dubai already while looking for a job, and I think it would be quite a process for me to get one from back home, plus I'm assuming it would have to be stamped like everything else.
Would this be just for govt jobs or all jobs? Or can I get one from Dubai as I've been here for 4 months?
Certificate of good conduct, ie no criminal record, from your local police station.
I think of late a police report is needed stating no past criminal behavior or some such.
Think it would be however to get in touch with the US Embassy here and they're bound to have all the details.