Hello, new in Qatar
Hello everybody, i just discovered this site. I have been in Doha from late May, but with trips back and forth the motherland.
There are things i like a lot about this city (such as the fact that it combines all the leisures of a small city and all the resources of a nation's capital) and things im not quite satisfied about (the night life). I have many questions about things i want to do here and have yet to find how, but i just intended this first message as my greeting :)
Thank you all very much for this very warm welcome!
Welcome to Qatar
Welcome to the Group
Hello,I also have MSEng in GIS.Welcome!
We can all try to answer your questions, once you post them??
I am welcoming u to this site as a expatriate.I think u got a warn welcome from Qatari
Welcome to the coolest online community in Qatar!
P.S. From your profile it says you are a GIS expert so we look forward to you adding some "places" on our map of Doha!