Bringing the appliances to Qatar
By silvermoon100 •
My friend is coming to Qatar soon. She is wondering if it worth to bring there her computer (desk top), her stereo system , and other small appliances. We know that the electrical system in Qatar is different from North America ( 220V instead of 110V here). The question is should she buy some adapters, converters for the appliances? How much this kind of stuff would cost in Qatar?
Thanks to everyone who replies.
she thinks about bringing her computer (desk top) and her stereo system. that's it. no microwaves, irons or so :):)
Computers are usually switchable, check the back of the desktop.
She will need transformers to adjust the voltage. She can bring a few of the larger items if she wants to cut costs but forget about household appliances. It is her call though.
Transformers cost anywhere from QR 150 - 400 depending upon the load they are meant to handle.