kids in the sun!
"Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun" And in Qatar we let our kids out in 45 degree weather with no protection!!! Don't take offence anyone English but what are parents thinking? My 3 year old son started school today and when i collected him at lunchtime all the kids were playing outside in the sun without hats on! i grew up in Zimbabwe, where the temperatures get up to the high 40's in places and hats were part of your school uniform. No hat, no outside! there was a classroom staffed by a different teacher every day for kids with no hats to sit in at breaktime. Hard lesson but very effective. Is no-one concerned about skin cancer? We all know that too much sun in the formative years is a major factor so why are we not doing anything to protect our precious kids? i am hoping that those of you reading this will start to campaign at your respective schools for a no hat, no outside policy for the good of our kids. Come on teachers and educators, especially those in the kindergarten stages, lets start to instill this from day one and perhaps we will create an awareness that is desperately needed in our schools!
My kid's nursery has a "no hat, no play" rule and they all wear sunscreen when they go out. Almost the entire play area is covered with sun sails as well.