Dear QLers,
We've been arguing among ourselves for the past few weeks, but now is the time we unite and put our differences aside for this good cause.
While I was in Dubai, I met a Filipina who worked as a house helper for some people I know. She is a single parent with two sons back in the Philipines. After talking to her, I was to find out that she has a serious problem and has even written a letter about it in the hopes that she could send it to some organisation that could help her out. I told her to give me the letter and told her that I would try my best to get her help from Qatar. The first thing that came to mind was QL. So here I am asking u to hear her out. Here is the letter she gave me:
I'm a Filipina servant working here in Dubai. I want to ask help & appeal for those who have kind hearts and have more than enough. I know know where to ask help from, so I just thought a letter might be the best easy way to reach u. Praying so hard that God will touch your heart. My problem is my house in the Philipines is for closure when I stop paying since almost a half year ago. I though working in Dubai could lead me to a better future for my 2 sons because I'm a single parent but it turned out that the salary I got was less than half of what I expect. I ask my employed to let me go home but he said I have to pay back for my visa, ticket and the agency. How can I pay my employer, I don't have any money. Time is running so short for, it's beyond my control. I'm like a broken glass trying to pick up the pieces together but can't do nothing. Please I beg of u to help me...
Yours Truly,
(won't post her name)
The thing that got to me most is that she's been paying for that house for the past 15 years, if she doesn't pay the previous installments (5 months worth) by the end of this year, the gov't will take her house and all the 15 years of hard work will be gone in a blink of an eye. She was so ashamed to ask for help, it really broke my heart. I had promised her to do everything in my power to help her. So what do u say Qler's ? Will we stand as one and help this poor lady?
Azzy is right, corne! alot of wolves & pretendous anywhere, we have to be extra careful too!
We cannot easily "TRUST" anyone, never!
But since you personally know this lady then, please keep us update, let's wait for the confirmation from Majh also.
If you find that this lady's plight is genuine, PM me and I will gladly pool in to help.
I think I'm heading to bed too, night Azi :-)
Nope that's it Azi, I know what u meant, come on let's fight! I'm ready! Haven't fought with anyone today, let's go! lol...ok ok enough back to topic...
We're good people who like to have a fun time, and I have faith that we'll be able to help her. I'm just glad I spent the time listening to her, now she might have a chance of a better life :-)
You know my number...just holler ;-)
Goodnight guys!!!
as I said in another thread, I feel guilty that I've goofed off lately ..being one of the "troublemakers" wolves (hehehe). But we're really not that "bad"...we're just good in hiding it, right?
i do hope we could help your lady friend...a small gesture do go a long, long way...right?
I'm sure it's in safe hands, Cornellian.
Accusing us of being sheep? U mean we follow orders and don't think for ourselves? hu ? hu ? come on, u wana take this fight outside??? hehe
e4, we're working on it. Will keep u updated :-)
need to clarify this before someone accuses me of being a "newbie in the internet", a "troll" or "whatever"....
But, seriously, let's go for this...
I suggest starting with the governments where these workers originate from. They know exactly what's going on.
some of us here are sheeps under wolves' skin...hehehe
Hi Corne
A friend is shooting a documentary on this issue. Is there a way to be put in touch with the person concerned???
Well-meaning solutions like pay-outs to help individuals are all well and good, but perhaps something needs to be done to expose the wider problem, & the lack of govt-aided protection for people in these situations.
miss moneypenny
But I think I heard her say that she came here directly, that there was no agency or contract done in the Philipines. Only one in Dubai, which has the lower amount ofcourse. Inshallah we'll get things sorted out, like u said there are alot of good people here. I'm glad to know that good people like QLer's still are around :-)
Ok, Cornellian. But they get a copy of the same contract in Manila. I know, I've had several maids and the last one brought it with her and the agency here told me to tear it up and not pay her the amount stated. Yeah, right.
I hope things get sorted out for this lady if she's really in need. You have lots of goodwill here.
I did e4. The thing is they were told in the Philipines that they'd get paid a certain amount, the people they work didn't know of this. When they got here the contract stated an amount which was much less. She told the employer that she won't work for that much because she was told she'd get more and that she wouldn't have come if she would've known the salary was that much. The employer told her to sign and that he would raise her salary later on...he said it was a man's word...yeah right. Anyways till today he didn't. I talked to him and he said he would raise it..doubt it.
And if he finds out I'm doing this he would probably get pissed, but oh well I gotta do what I gotta do.
Anyways I'm sending majh now her details and we'll see what happens. Fingers crossed.
Hi Cornellian. You say you know the people she's working for and she says they're not paying her what was in the contract. Couldn't you have a word with them?
Hello everyone, I just got back home, read the thread, and yes I'll PM u majh with her details so u can see what u can do. Thank u all. And for those who think it's an email scam, I know the lady personally and I'm sure she's not making it up.
but I prefer majh's way. Lets try to contact the lady in dubai and take the info that majh needs so we can help/donations in Phillipines
I think the words of caution expressed by various members are appropriate. If majh can track this down let's follow it up. If it's a genuine plea then we can help. Let's just make sure it is.
Leme confess this is my first day in QL.I dont know how things work here,but wat i read now,definitely make sense.I wana help.
U mentioned that the employer stopped her from going back.DOnt u think the philippino embassy can do something about it??
Pls leme know wer we can meet.
Please let me know where. and when I'll be there too!
count me in - this is the same system in mexico - so if people default they lose everything.
i knew people who lost houses like this-couldn't help then but can now.
if we all chip in a little should be ok
i'll do that still waiting for corne for the details....corne are you there????
I'm in...
God bless you for doing that! :))
count me in. I will follow the threat. Let us know how things will be organised.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
yes apple i told corne not to send any money because my husband works in SSS Real Estate Dept. and he was assigned before in Housing Foreclosure and as far as I now they have the same procedures as in PAG-IBIG so i just need to know the details so we can work it out without money involve just to do loan restructuring so I'm just waiting for corne to give me the details so i can send the details tomorrow and have the answer on the next days...
I'm in here!
But we have to know the details from her, the Housing developer of her house. We may ask assistant from OWWA, if its taken thru Pagibig housing or SSS.
Majh, follow up this one.
am in too corne honey
just confirm this is for real.
i have been seeing all sorts of money rackets appearing in the mails lately and they all have extremely touching stories.these are not the usual ones that used to come earlier from african countries, now they are from all over the world.
help us help you.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
Let me also know what we can do....I will also contribute.
I'm willing to help whenever you figure out what we can do Corne. :)
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Guess that we need to meet somewhere, should not be all of us ... at least Corne & Majh to discuss more about the issue as Majh's husband is working in the field and can give us an idea about what is going on. We really want to help and in the same time make Bonjovi and anyone else who would like to participate and afraid of the whole matter to be fake and a matter of getting money, to calm down and know that this is real and someone is really in need for help.
What do you say Corne?
it is better we can talk over a cup of coffee so we can discuss how to reach her and we can take action as soon as possible don't send the money yet we will consult my husband for this matter and he will be the one to go to the proper agency.. i'm working till 9pm everyday can we meet
Hey word of caution here . . . . how do we know this isn't a money making racket????????? Just like those junk emails from some dictator of an African country, asking poor sods to transfer money to some bank account . . . . . .. skeptical me . ....
Cornellian, everyone here has expressed a willingness to help. However even if the 5 delinquent payments are made what about future payments or is that it and the house will be paid off?
Oh majh that's very kind of u, but she doesn't have access to a computer and I remember she said that this is the third and last warning she got so she has no other way. I don't know. I did get the address of her family there, so I can send the money.
Thank u all, as for donations I can't ask people to donate specific amounts cause everyone has different capabilities. And for the place, I don't have anywhere in mind yet. Any suggestions on where we can all meet up?
my husband is working in Phils. a gov't agency for housing loan if she could give me the full details of her housing loan let me know my email ad [email protected] ... as far as I know still there is a loan restructuring for housing loan and my husband can communicate with her family in Phils.
May I Help If You Dont Mind :D
I Mean Donation.
i will help out! let me know how or where.
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
anything to help this sister, let me know when you got the full details such as the amount that we should collect and how to give you the money and so on ... please keep me updated ..
Count me in, Corn babe!
I'll set everything up, I just need to know if people are ready to help otherwise I'd have to try to find another way to help her. I'll PM u with the details once I get everything sorted out. Thank u all.
yeah I am willing to help can we do it?
Cornelian> let me know how i can send some donations. Even from my colleagues here in the office.
"Don't judge my brother, he's not a book"---melanism