A Child's Guide To United States Foreign Policy

By angel_eyes

SORRY TO HURT ANY BODY !!!!! (As it hurts me too)

Q: Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq?

A: Because they had weapons of mass destruction honey.

Q: But the inspectors didn't find any weapons of mass destruction.

A: That's because the Iraqis were hiding them.

Q: And that's why we invaded Iraq?

A: Yep. Invasions always work better than inspections.

Q: But after we invaded them, we STILL didn't find any weapons of mass destruction, did we?

A: That's because the weapons are so well hidden. Don't worry, we'll find something, probably right before the 2004 election.

Q: Why did Iraq want all those weapons of mass destruction?

A: To use them in a war, silly.

Q: I'm confused. If they had all those weapons that they planned to use in a war, then why didn't they use any of those weapons when we went to war with them?

A: Well, obviously they didn't want anyone to know they had those weapons, so they chose to die by the thousands rather than defend themselves.

Q: That doesn't make sense Daddy. Why would they choose to die if they had all those big weapons to fight us back with?

A: It's a different culture. It's not supposed to make sense.

Q: I don't know about you, but I don't think they had any of those weapons our government said they did.

A: Well, you know, it doesn't matter whether or not they had those weapons. We had another good reason to invade them anyway.

Q: And what was that?

A: Even if Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein was a cruel dictator, which is another good reason to invade another country.

Q: Why? What does a cruel dictator do that makes it OK to invade his country?

A: Well, for one thing, he tortured his own people.

Q: Kind of like what they do in China?

A: Don't go comparing China to Iraq. China is a good economic competitor, where millions of people work for slave wages in sweatshops to make U.S. corporations richer.

Q: So if a country lets its people be exploited for American corporate gain, it's a good country, even if that country tortures people?

A: Right.

Q: Why were people in Iraq being tortured?

A: For political crimes, mostly, like criticizing the government. People who criticized the government in Iraq were sent to prison and tortured.

Q: Isn't that exactly what happens in China?

A: I told you, China is different.

Q: What's the difference between China and Iraq?

A: Well, for one thing, Iraq was ruled by the Ba'ath party, while China is Communist.

Q: Didn't you once tell me Communists were bad?

A: No, just Cuban Communists are bad.

Q: How are the Cuban Communists bad?

A: Well, for one thing, people who criticize the government in Cuba are sent to prison and tortured.

Q: Like in Iraq?

A: Exactly.

Q: And like in China, too?

A: I told you, China's a good economic competitor. Cuba, on the other hand, is not.

Q: How come Cuba isn't a good economic competitor?

A: Well, you see, back in the early 1960s, our government passed some laws that made it illegal for Americans to trade or do any business with Cuba until they stopped being communists and started being capitalists like us.

Q: But if we got rid of those laws, opened up trade with Cuba, and started doing business with them, wouldn't that help the Cubans become capitalists?

A: Don't be a smart-ass.

Q: I didn't think I was being one.

A: Well, anyway, they also don't have freedom of religion in Cuba.

Q: Kind of like China and the Falun Gong movement?

A: I told you, stop saying bad things about China. Anyway, Saddam Hussein came to power through a military coup, so he's not really a legitimate leader anyway.

Q: What's a military coup?

A: That's when a military general takes over the government of a country by force, instead of holding free elections like we do in the United States.

Q: Didn't the ruler of Pakistan come to power by a military coup?

A: You mean General Pervez Musharraf? Uh, yeah, he did, but Pakistan is our friend.

Q: Why is Pakistan our friend if their leader is illegitimate?

A: I never said Pervez Musharraf was illegitimate.

Q: Didn't you just say a military general who comes to power by forcibly overthrowing the legitimate government of a nation is an illegitimate leader?

A: Only Saddam Hussein. Pervez Musharraf is our friend, because he helped us invade Afghanistan.

Q: Why did we invade Afghanistan?

A: Because of what they did to us on September 11th.

Q: What did Afghanistan do to us on September 11th?

A: Well, on September 11th, nineteen men, fifteen of them Saudi Arabians, hijacked four airplanes and flew three of them into buildings, killing over 3,000 Americans.

Q: So how did Afghanistan figure into all that?

A: Afghanistan was where those bad men trained, under the oppressive rule of the Taliban.

Q: Aren't the Taliban those bad radical Islamics who chopped off people's heads and hands?

A: Yes, that's exactly who they were. Not only did they chop off people's heads and hands, but they oppressed women, too.

Q: Didn't the Bush administration give the Taliban 43 million dollars back in May of 2001?

A: Yes, but that money was a reward because they did such a good job fighting drugs.

Q: Fighting drugs?

A: Yes, the Taliban were very helpful in stopping people from growing opium poppies.

Q: How did they do such a good job?

A: Simple. If people were caught growing opium poppies, the Taliban would have their hands and heads cut off.

Q: So, when the Taliban cut off people's heads and hands for growing flowers, that was OK, but not if they cut people's heads and hands off for other reasons?

A: Yes. It's OK with us if radical Islamic fundamentalists cut off people's hands for growing flowers, but it's cruel if they cut off people's hands for stealing bread.

Q: Don't they also cut off people's hands and heads in Saudi Arabia?

A: That's different. Afghanistan was ruled by a tyrannical patriarchy that oppressed women and forced them to wear burqas whenever they were in public, with death by stoning as the penalty for women who did not comply.

Q: Don't Saudi women have to wear burqas in public, too?

A: No, Saudi women merely wear a traditional Islamic body covering.

Q: What's the difference?

A: The traditional Islamic covering worn by Saudi women is a modest yet fashionable garment that covers all of a woman's body except for her eyes and fingers. The burqa, on the other hand, is an evil tool of patriarchal oppression that covers all of a woman's body except for her eyes and fingers.

Q: It sounds like the same thing with a different name.

A: Now, don't go comparing Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are our friends.

Q: But I thought you said 15 of the 19 hijackers on September 11th were from Saudi Arabia.

A: Yes, but they trained in Afghanistan.

Q: Who trained them?

A: A very bad man named Osama bin Laden.

Q: Was he from Afghanistan?

A: Uh, no, he was from Saudi Arabia too. But he was a bad man, a very bad man.

Q: I seem to recall he was our friend once.

A: Only when we helped him and the mujahadeen repel the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan back in the 1980s.

Q: Who are the Soviets? Was that the Evil Communist Empire Ronald Reagan talked about?

A: There are no more Soviets. The Soviet Union broke up in 1990 or thereabouts, and now they have elections and capitalism like us. We call them Russians now.

Q: So the Soviets ? I mean, the Russians ? are now our friends?

A: Well, not really. You see, they were our friends for many years after they stopped being Soviets, but then they decided not to support our invasion of Iraq, so we're mad at them now. We're also mad at the French and the Germans because they didn't help us invade Iraq either.

Q: So the French and Germans are evil, too?

A: Not exactly evil, but just bad enough that we had to rename French fries and French toast to Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast.

Q: Do we always rename foods whenever another country doesn't do what we want them to do?

A: No, we just do that to our friends. Our enemies, we invade.

Q: But wasn't Iraq one of our friends back in the 1980s?

A: Well, yeah. For a while.

Q: Was Saddam Hussein ruler of Iraq back then?

A: Yes, but at the time he was fighting against Iran, which made him our friend, temporarily.

Q: Why did that make him our friend?

A: Because at that time, Iran was our enemy.

Q: Isn't that when he gassed the Kurds?

A: Yeah, but since he was fighting against Iran at the time, we looked the other way, to show him we were his friend.

Q: So anyone who fights against one of our enemies automatically becomes our friend?

A: Most of the time, yes.

Q: And anyone who fights against one of our friends is automatically an enemy?

A: Sometimes that's true, too. However, if American corporations can profit by selling weapons to both sides at the same time, all the better.

Q: Why?

A: Because war is good for the economy, which means war is good for America. Also, since God is on America's side, anyone who opposes war is a godless un-American Communist. Do you understand now why we attacked Iraq?

Q: I think so. We attacked them because God wanted us to, right?

A: Yes.

Q: But how did we know God wanted us to attack Iraq?

A: Well, you see, God personally speaks to George W. Bush and tells him what to do.

Q: So basically, what you're saying is that we attacked Iraq because George W. Bush hears voices in his head?

A: Yes! You finally understand how the world works. Now close your eyes, make yourself comfortable, and go to sleep. Good night.

By buttercupryle• 19 Nov 2007 17:15
Rating: 2/5

Make the world a better place to live in for our children and to our children's children.

[img_assist|nid=48103|title=**** ****|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=98|height=98]

“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it'

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 17:05
the black prince

Scar.............I see now Da gets to get some of my doggie treats!!!

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 17:03
the black prince

Da........after a little thought have chosen the weapons, wet tomatoes and sticks of cellery at 10 paces............

By DaRuDe• 19 Nov 2007 17:00



By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:59

bp..watch out for that camel's toe..

later got to go to the store..will get you two some doggie treats...sit, stay!!

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:59
the black prince

Or even worse pee on it......yuk

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:57
the black prince

Da..............a challenge...........just what a Knight needs...........long time since I have jousted..........must look for the lance.........oh god and I think my horse did a runner...........never mind sure we can find another one............maybe a camel will do.........with the 2 humps is probably safer when I think about it. Now do I have to hit you with my glove or will you do it........dont forget you challenged so I get the joice of weapons

By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:54

but then Da might chew the furniture...

By DaRuDe• 19 Nov 2007 16:53

Challenge me :)


By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:52
the black prince

Da............one hopes that you are not threatening physical violence.....you wont be allowed out for walkies for weeks if you do that

By DaRuDe• 19 Nov 2007 16:50

All you guys need is one sweet punch on ur nose :?


By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:49
the black prince

Da............be careful, the ladies are very demanding mistresses.....they will tire you out boy

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:48
the black prince

Scar.......thats what he meant by pissing around..........it seems he can cock his leg anywhere

By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:48

its already been posted before..so its fair game...

BP is right Da...you'll get your leash pulled tight...sit boy!!!

By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:47

can't you control that???

Paul..its just a colloquialism...ever watch the movie???

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:46
the black prince

Scar.......Is Xena around?.......dont want to get my hand slapped again and she pulls too hard the leash..........hey Da.....go out on your own without a leash mate..........lucky boy. Dont let Xena, Scar or Star get there hands on you..........stray dogs always get into trouble

By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:39

well we all think we are dancers after that!!!

By paul• 19 Nov 2007 16:37

Even i was wondering what is "Ohh fiddledeedee....."

Scarlett, Thanks for revealing the secreat

By DaRuDe• 19 Nov 2007 16:36

me go by my self to get every one around pissed :D


By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:35

she got a new dog...so might be taking it for walk...by the way, Da..who takes you for walks???

By angel_eyes• 19 Nov 2007 16:35

*** buSH has joined #international_diplomacy

buSH: going to rush saddam wanna join.

JacCHrik: noway man not rdy yet wait

coaler: cant join need better gov rating.

buSH: right! You guys are allied with saDDam huh.

JacCHrik: buSH you noob wait we help later.

BuSH: FU I go now

*** JacCHrik has left #international_diplomacy

buSH: LOL. We don't need you cheese eating surrender monkeys! coal, you in? great blitzkrieg area

coaler: nine gov rating to low need to wait.

***coalerhas left #international_diplomacy

*** saDDAm has joined #international_diplomacy

buSH: hey saDy, give us weapons, give us tribute or we invade

saDDam: we got nothing our techtree soks

buSH: ya right we saw you plaster your internal revolt

saDDam: big mistake hit wrong key. no money no tech

buSH: let us send units in to see, share your map with us

SaDDam: right do I Iook stupid, you see what I have then rush me

***SaDDAm left #international_diplomacy

*** buSH has joined channel #unilateralism


bagDadBob: we winning buSH soks

buSH: look east, look west, look south, look in the middle your captial.

BagDadBob: WTF where they come from, cheat you haked the game, where you get that hak

***iraq has been eliminated

*** bagDadBob has left the channel.

buSH: awesome we rule mission accomplished!

***buSH cheers

***buSH does a dance


****GENgarner has joined #occupation

****GENgarner has left #occupation

****pBremer has joinded #occupation

pBremer: cool I have palaces

*** zarCOWI has joined #occupation

zarCOWI: we have bombs.

pBremer: us too

zarCOWI: we strap ours to women and childern

pBremer: WTF, sh** you crazy

**** pBremer has disconnected

****pBremer has rejoined #occupation

pBremer: d**** power need to get that fixed

***zarCOWI has developed IDE

***US units capture saDDAM

***saDDAM joins prison channel


*** msm has joined #press

msm: look, I found bad pictures gross out. people being tortured I thought this game was rated for everyone need to report to hilliary and company

zarCOWI: buSH soks.

buSH: great now the rating police are going to shut the game down.

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:34
the black prince

Yeah...............slowing down all the time............but it was fun......at least my daughter thought I was cool........she was impressed by her fathers total lack of inhibition.........so was I...it normally takes at least 4 Gin and Tonics to get me on the dance floor but once there I dont want to sit down.......until I fall down

By DaRuDe• 19 Nov 2007 16:32

where is ur other texas chick Alexa get it on hmm get that shortie too for hiphop. Now dance quick


By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:29

ahh come on you can do hiphop still..just not quite as fast hopping as used to !!!

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:26
the black prince

Hows things, oh my precious pearl,........my backs killing me, for my daughters birthday took her and her girlfriends to a dance school to learn Hip Hop.........thats was fine only did something stupid, they wanted me to take part too......and as you do........I did......silly mistake...........Im not 16 anymore

By DaRuDe• 19 Nov 2007 16:24

Black prince better wake up she is spicy salty :/


By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:24

helmet on...

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:21
the black prince

Hi sweetheart...........trouble is had my hair cut since then

By angel_eyes• 19 Nov 2007 16:20

Sorry... haven't seen that post before...;D

By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:20

hey like your new av BP...very handsome

By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:20

just a comment to show you are kidding...Scarlett OHara used to say it in Gone With the Wind..

and hello you tall drink...darude...

By the black prince• 19 Nov 2007 16:19
the black prince

DaRuDe........that is a Texas lady...........not a chick

By DaRuDe• 19 Nov 2007 16:17

ok now tell me what the hell is fiddledeedee u texas chick :?


By Scarlett• 19 Nov 2007 16:15

Ohh fiddledeedee.....

By DaRuDe• 19 Nov 2007 16:08

is it hard to click on search tab.

this topic was posted just few days ago by Tcom.


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