Restaurants in the Sheraton...
By MattyHardingLower •
Al Hubara
Al Shaheen Rooftop restaurant
Atrium Lounge
Al Ghazal
Algeria Bar
Laffan Restaurant
Has anyone been to any of the above. I appreciate that names may have changed etc. Any advise would be most welcome, ( eg, Cuisine, Cost, Service, Suitable for a large group.)
Im prepared to take a little bit of stick for this next comment, but, . . . here goes, Im not interested in French Cuisine!! There I said it. I just dont like it. lol
Al Shaheen is an excellent restauarant. But a bit expensive\
"When you find yourself in a desperate situation.....Oh forget it."-zada
to talk!!
I earned 2 points today, amd you? 15?
*** Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people appear bright until they open their mouths.
This will be reported, forferskracker!!
stick to the Best of British...
- steak and kidney pud,
- bacon and egg butty,
- kebab on the way home after a skinful,
- full English (plus chips) for a hangover,
- spotted Dick (with thick custard),
- curries (ain't that why we put up with big Q????),
er, er, er ....
anybody help out with more?
I like the beach restaurant the best its the one inside the club