NetGear Wireless Router Set up
Hi there
Please can you help, I have just bought a new wireless router and need to add IP address', DNS address', Gateway address' etc.
These should be the same throughout Qatar and I expected my computer to find them automatically but it didn't. I have contacted qtel but the address' they give me don't work.
Please, please,please help.
Many Thanks
I'm using the same laptop in the lounge as I do in the bedroom. It's only a short walk between the lounge and my bedroom so I'm not sure what the problem is....
Are you using the same computer downstairs as upstairs (i.e. a laptop), or are they different computers?
If they're different computers, does the one upstairs have any firewall software included (i.e. Norton , McAfee)?
N.B. These are often bundled with the computer and the antivirus software.
Great! Thanks for the advice.
I have now got the wireless working in my lounge but for some reason it doesn't work in my bedroom even though I get excellent signal strength in there.
Any thoughts?
Normally your router has a wizard that you will just have to follow.The following will be asked usually.
internet connection type(wan setting)-PPPoE/PPPoA
username- you should enter the letter+7digit number from qtel
password - use also the one given by qtel (qatar12 for example)
Connection type-PPPoE LLC
Click the Enable AP button
Fill in the SSID for your wireless connection.
Choose WEP or whatever security you like for your wireless and type your encryption key and restart your router.
Then you will have to check your computer that TCP/IP (IPV4) is set to automatically find IP address and also automatically find dns server.
I believe this will already work.
But sometimes I experience that I can connect to the wireless but there is no internet connection. I thought my router was the problem but it worked in my friends house. What I did was to use my router as a switch and to use the modem given by Qtel. To use your router as a switch, plug the lan cable from the modem to your router. In this case, you have to manually assign IP address to all those who will connect to your router. IP add is usually 192.168.2 to 192.168.253 . subnet is automatic at gateway is usually and the dns server is the same as the gateway address I hope your router will work.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.What is essential is invisible to the eye. - The Little Prince
On the router: Configure the DNS IP to be obtained automatically from the ISP. Configure Dynamic DHCP On your PC configure the IP address to be obtained automatically ( I assume you have a wireless NIC)
Yeah, it's connecting to the internet but just doesn't load the web pages as it needs the correct address'.
Is your router configured to connect to Internet?