Coke, as you know is originally a Jewish company. Well, that innocent little image on the Bottle isn't very innocent. If you invert (mirror Image) the logo of the Coke, you see an intersting little thing. The inverted logo clearly spells out..."La Muhammad (S), La Makkah".Which is in Arabic and it means......"No Muhammad, No Makkah" in English. Both the C's are the La; 'oca' is Muhammad; 'ola' is Makkah. Following are the products of the company THUPMSUP FANTA SPRITE LIMCA
Good job Red Pope.
Can't really believe this topic is still on till now...
My first response when first read it was, What? you think Davinci Code or conspiracy theory or what?? I believe these people when decided to use the logo don't even know Arabic!!
So, the best advise to the new manufacturer for new product is to hire employee that knows all the languages in the world and make sure they read the logo intends to use upside down, left to right, etc.. and all the costs will eventually go to consumer.
when is sprite and seven up turn ???
ok so new topic for you all to discuss about...when you flip the PEPSI logo you'll see the number 12939 now what could that possibly mean?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Incredible how we can move posts from boycotting Israel to the pros and cons of drinking Coke. I'm with diamondgirl...all those soda drinks are for the birds. Personally, I love fruit juices and milk. But I will go wild with.....chocolate milk sometimes!
scarlett that is so true.. It is one aspect of american culture that I truly respect and love. In most cultures around the world therapy is seen as some sort of evil drug for insane people.
Angry folks, angry fellows, always looking to dislodge themselves from the truth when is told in their faces. It goes both ways.
It's the stupidity & being jealous from people who know better, that push some to say:
"Geez! I'm beginning to think it's pointless to discuss anything with you"
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
in all nationality families..not just american...we just don't mind letting it out in public that its there..instead of hiding it like some do.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Yes, but rules are rules and you all agreed to abide by them when you signed up to QL, whether you agree with them or not.
Funny how freedom of speech inhibits a person freedom to express themselves.
Cursing is much less offensive than some of the other things said on here.
And in fact, many people only know how to express certain feelings in curse words.... Nothing like some good old fashioned oprah winfrey therapy to continue the dysfunction in american families ;)
If you boycott all these companies:
1. What am I supposed to eat, drink, and wear? Which perfumes I suppose to use? Which movies to watch? Which newspapers to read? Which news channels to listen to?.. etc, etc, etc.
2. Where the Palestinians will work then? Since most of Palestinians are employed in Israel with these kinds of production: food, drinks, clothes etc. you want to leave all these poor families without the income??
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Coca Cola
Coke's Logo
Coke's Logo Flipped
A hot issue was debated recently in Egypt regarding Coke's logo and what might have been behind it .. but can you really believe that this was the intention from Coke .. would that be a smart business plan .. drown their famous drink in that kind of controversy ? We sure don't think so, but here it is along with a report from ABC news ..
Company officials and Muslim clerics vehemently deny a rumor that the Coca-Cola logo, upside down or backwards, contains insults to Islam
C A I R O, Egypt, May 19 — Take the Coca Cola logo, in English, then turn it upside down or look at it in a mirror.
“No to Mohammed, No to Mecca” is how it is said to read, in Arabic — at least according to the latest rumor spreading through Egypt.
Coca-Cola Co. officials said they do not know who is responsible for saying the soft drink’s label insults Islam’s prophet and its holiest site. But, while they insist the company is the victim of a smear campaign, they are taking the matter seriously.
“It all started over the Internet “ said Mahmoud Hamdy, the regional technical external affairs manager for the Coca-Cola Co. in Egypt, “and then leaflets with the logo upside down were distributed in schools and mosques in various regions of the country.”
Hamdy says the same rumor was spread in Saudi Arabia a few months ago, and government bodies there, including Islamic scholars, cleared the trademark from any allegations.
Grand Mufti Clears Coke
But, fearing serious consequences, Coca-Cola acted swiftly in Egypt. An official request was made to the Grand Mufti Sheik Nasser Farid Wassel, Egypt’s most senior religious figure, to give his opinion on the matter.
The logo was also closely scrutinized by researchers and linguists at the Ifta’a Institute, a scholarly authority on Islamic law.
All found no harm.
“The trademark does not injure Islam or Muslims directly or indirectly “ the mufti ruled. In an official statement, he found that: “The trademark was designed 114 years ago in the state of Georgia and was written in a foreign language, not in Arabic,” and that “no one had objected until now.”
Sheik Wassel also had harsh words for what he termed the rumor mongers, saying: “Such a rumor can harm the country and Islam more than it benefits it.” He warned them “to fear God” because the Koran, the Islamic holy book, “urges Muslims not to spread unfair rumors unless they have legal proof.”
Jobs Could Be Lost
The mufti also said that Coca-Cola employs more 10,000 people in Egypt who could lose their jobs for no good reason.
Coca-Cola, which “is enjoyed by more than 1 billion Muslims” is continuing its counterattack. The company armed its sales force and truck drivers with a copy of the mufti’s ruling ready to display it at anytime.
Although the company has yet not measured any significant decrease in sales, local distributors say people are now more wary and need to be reassured. According to one local vendor, sales have plummeted by 10 to 15 percent even though it is the summer season.
Coca-Cola says it enjoys 54 percent of the soft drink market share in Egypt.
Now, it is trying desperately to keep a hold of that market.
Eco Savvy
it is interesting how a persons true colours come out over the internet..
I often wonder if that person would be the same if I was to see them face to face..
having said that.. It is not for me to judge who is a hypocrite.. and may Allah help those who are!
That is why only 2 verses are for the kaafir and 14 verses are for the munafiq (hypocrites)
Because it is so difficult to expose them because outwardly they claim to be muslim and their actions are those of the muslims... but inwardly in their heart is a disease!
having said that we do not know what is in a persons heart. It may be that they make mistakes and just don't realize it! And perhaps Allah will guide them in the future. InshAllah ameen.
no adey.. I can see with my eyes.. and heart that you did not mean that personally.
I asked you your opinion and thank you for sharing.
And when they meet those who believe, they say" we believe, but when they are alone with their shayatin(devils) they say" truly, we are with you ; verily we are but mocking
Allah mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong -doings to wander blindly
There are no gods, never have been any. that's it in a nutshell. So not afraid of divine retribution or wrath coz there arn't any gods. therefore your spliff will never come - do it now
"I'm gonna fight the injustice we humans do against ourselves." - I advise you then to take a good hard look at where that injustice stems from - unfortunatley you are part of the problem not the solution, dont take that personally please
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
It goes on, the mumbo jumbo goes on, never to be answered or agreed upon.
just have a big fight like they did in the old days. Much simpler.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Adey.. I plan on having alot of spiffs when I get to heaven! Until then I'm gonna fight the injustice we humans do against ourselves.
BTW do you really not believe a God exists??? Or is it just religion that you can't stomach?
mmm pm how would you know thats the right thing???
And I have come to a realization that some of the things I say require some sort of knowledge on the subject. Otherwise it glides over peoples head and they miss the most important points.
in fact.. that is the whole problem with you.. You prob. do know about Islam and you do understand what I have been posting..
Twisting what peanuts was saying is completely unIslamic. And you clearly twisted his words and said he was claiming muslims to be non muslims.
Now non muslim may not understand how detrimental these words are to a muslim.. but pm as a muslim should understand
Does it make you drunk with pleasure to twist it or support others to twist purposely what people say? So that those who are not up to the same level of knowledge take that person the wrong way?
and you guys are living up to that concept admirably. HE must be so proud, or rather YOU believe this is what the non-existent thing would be proud of.
I've been lurking on this thread for some time and it just goes to prove that your religions, whether it be judaism. islam or Xtian do seem to drag in all these conflicts and hatred, between and amongst yourselves.
I invite you to join the dark side! Chill out, have a spliff, a laugh and a hug with us here.
You will get your wish about the end of days because it will be the adherents of the 3 biggest brain altering delusional rubbish that cause it - you want it so much!
Oh and that's my belief, quasi- 'religious', therefore it qualifies for the taboo that it is beyond criticism and you have to respect it.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
airsupply is back!!! I love you man!
for the sake of at least 1 Jew out there who is anti Zionist & against Israel, I'd HAVE to disagree with you
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
I know my would be a "monkie" business if I started teaching! They should appoint someone who fits while you should be moving to the jungle with me. I think you'd fit for a chita!
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
You are right PM, there is one saying.. 'he who eat the chilis felt the spiciness'!!
Don't forget about the personal attacks..
and also the fact that she has claimed to been studying Islam for 10 years.
Or the fact that she is "proud" of her status in the duniya.. May Allah have mercy upon you pm.
It has made me wonder whose side you really are on!
But what I find most horrifying is the evil behind changing and twisting what a persons says in order to make your point and discredit the muslim poster. Literally making lies against that person! And making lies against Allah subhana wa ta'ala and the Prophet PBUH.
I have seen you more than once deny what a muslim poster has said.. and literally make fun of them for it.. Only to admit in another thread that you also hold the same opinion.
And of course because people don't bother to read they just fall for all that "drivel" since your opinion is closest to the typical non muslim.
Now peanuts, I hope this is a lesson for us both. To learn our Islam and becareful what we say in a forum. And remember that we are ALL (including pm) representatives of Islam because outwardly we all appear and claim ourselves to be muslim. And that this boycotting stuff is small pox compared to the diseases in the Ummah. And we must first rectify ourselves from within before we can possibly get through to anyone else.
is that with this hate & scorn you are still in touch with students...a young & fresh generation! QF should pay attention to such cases that might endanger the brains of these young people
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
you can't blame a whole relgion (Jews) because some of them are terrorists, as you can't say that all Danish are ugly because 1 of them was a muslim-hater & posted some insults for the Prophet.
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
My new patented brand of "Coke"is going to be
"Stun"-"Aep" just read it continuosly and then just tell me, What you think about it?
The chemical compound is my secret recipe for know.
After that is done tell what you think of the name for a change.
ONLY with me & ph. Then I'd doubt that both of us might be wrong. But you are making personal attacks on every person who knows more than you & trys to give you wise & honest advices.
Non-muslims on QL did not utter such ugly words. It had to be YOU to say:
"there seems to be an endless stream of Muslims who will swallow any drivel"
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
you're the one with the agenda.any sane person (muslim or not) , would mock such false campaigns. You never answer my question, if you are so concern with the arab cause why don't you go & fight. Or at least donate.In stead of whining in a blog
"there seems to be an endless stream of Muslims who will swallow any drivel"
In most of your posts on QL, there is some kind of deep hate & scorn to Islam & muslims inside always try to make them look evil, uncivilized, ignorant, you pick from the discipline (Quran/Hadeeth) as you like and want to neglect the parts you don't like, you oppose to most muslim calls/campaigns, you want to impose your own (modern) agenda on Islam, you don't listen to the brothers & sisters who know more than you, you attack them when they try to give you an advice that you can benifit from, you judge who is a good muslim & who is not....why this amount of hate? Is it the affect of your nationality? Is it a reaction from tough muslim ex-husbands?
What is your religion? Oh yes! You said you have converted to Islam (God knows why)
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
Hmm... diversity of business?? Don't know what our main supplier (Da) will say?!
didn't think of that bumblebe. There again, people might buy it to clean drains & toilets, lol
Tim Cahill, The Best Footballer in the World
Hey if our conversation goes this way then our coke pipeline business might have to cease and the objective of boycott coke will achieve then..
Hey if our conversation goes this way then our coke pipeline business might have to cease and the objective of boycott coke will achieve then..
just going to put some down the toilet now!!
Tim Cahill, The Best Footballer in the World
Not just drain Lima, toilet bowl too..
lol Lima...also good for making dull coins nice and shiny again...wonder what's it doing to your insides...making them all nice and shiny?
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
i will stick with the sprite or seven up.
cola, Coca Cola is still good for cleaning your drains, lol
Tim Cahill, The Best Footballer in the World
and they really did have it locked up in the safe in the main office...recipe that is...
Yep bumblebee...I love researching things...thanks..
Diamondgirl...don't blame you...soft drinks can actually leech the calcium out of the bones of a human...they have done studies on why children nowday have more brittle bones than they used to...what it revealed was the increased intake of soft drinks..its the carbonation that does it...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
I know what you mean PM. The formula till now is still a secret formula. I remember some times ago in India they tried to force coca cola to disclose their formula but failed.
all those fresh drinks r they really fresh or a mixture of chemical flavours
I don't drink sodas either. I'm not into drinking toxin. If you knew what chemicals go into each bottle, no-one would. It's the marketing that sucks you in.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
Scarlett you really had done all the homework.. Thanks for the info.
and take a look at this..I think EVERYONE needs a Coke on QL... (ok're excused from the required soda)
I'd Like to Buy The World a Coke
The song "I'd Like to Buy The World a Coke" had its origins on January 18, 1971, in a fog. Bill Backer, the creative director on the Coca-Cola account for McCann-Erickson, was traveling to London to join two other songwriters, Billy Davis and Roger Cook, to write and arrange several radio commercials for The Coca-Cola Company that would be recorded by the popular singing group the New Seekers.
As the plane approached Great Britain, heavy fog at London's Heathrow Airport forced it to land instead at Shannon Airport, Ireland. The irate passengers were obliged to share rooms at the one hotel available in Shannon or to sleep at the airport. Tensions and tempers ran high.
The next morning, as the passengers gathered in the airport coffee shop awaiting clearance to fly, Backer noticed that several who had been among the most irate were now laughing and sharing stories over bottles of Coke.
They Like It
In that moment, I began to see a bottle of Coca Cola as more than a drink. I began to see the familiar words, "Let's have a Coke," as a subtle way of saying, "Let's keep each other company for a little while." And I knew they were being said all over the world as I sat there in Ireland. So that was the basic idea: to see Coke not as it was originally designed to be - a liquid refresher - but as a tiny bit of commonality between all peoples, a universally liked formula that would help to keep them company for a few minutes. - Bill Backer as recalled in his book The Care and Feeding of Ideas (New York: Times Books/Random House, 1993)
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
As to the formula, till now the coca cola formula is still a family secret kept within the family.
Facts just don't make as big splashes like propaganda does...oh well...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Coke permanently rots the enamel in your teeth. Next time you visit the dentist ask him for an enamel check.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
PM, the intellectual property right only if comes with 'coca' i.e 'coca cola' which is the trade mark. So, if use only 'cola' is not in breach of coca cola's IP right. So, can go shead with Mecca Cola. No worries.
Hmm..expension of business...
good one!!!!!
Tim Cahill, The Best Footballer in the World
learn the background on coke...
Started as a medicine back in the days of traveling medicine shows in America...and it actually had cocaine in it..hence the name coke..when it was found out that cocaine was addictive, it was removed and made into a soft drink...sheesh, look for yourselves..
In May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. John Pemberton concocted the Coca Cola formula in a three legged brass kettle in his backyard. The name was a suggestion given by John Pemberton's bookkeeper Frank Robinson.
Birth of Coca Cola
Being a bookkeeper, Frank Robinson also had excellent penmanship. It was he who first scripted "Coca Cola" into the flowing letters which has become the famous logo of today.
The soft drink was first sold to the public at the soda fountain in Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886.
About nine servings of the soft drink were sold each day. Sales for that first year added up to a total of about $50. The funny thing was that it cost John Pemberton over $70 in expanses, so the first year of sales were a loss.
Until 1905, the soft drink, marketed as a tonic, contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Wow.. that is totally seperate issue already.. we are talking business here.. aren't we?!
must be a financial controller..
wow.. PM you are quick..
tastes good with coke, yum yum :P
marraige proposal Darude :)
the 10 can manage my pipe lines well lol
Pm why :D
you the supplier just dont you mix lime in it ok :/
sweet... thanks Da guess bumblebee will be back to business world soon...
well, I think it is, am I the supplier or the producer?
ok fine i give the contract to you both
one for producing and the other for supplying is that ok.
and PM to check it i mean taste it how wonderful the drink is. just watch out for her she doesnt fall in the tanker else will get too spicy and sweet :D
Hi Da guess the pipeline can cross through the whole Qatar. Then you will be the first pipe line coca cola supplier in Qatar. Sound like a potential business..
This is in the wrong section. It should be in funnies!
via my house to PM's if that's ok with you Darude & PM?
its coca cola not coka cola
truth will be pissed if you misspell it again :D
hmm supply to your home hmmm hmm let e check the quality of the pipe.
What about MAERSK......No Oil, No Money, No Jobs....All go back home?
and how will you do that lady
guess you need a big pipe for that. no problem i can divert the pipe to your home :D a full month supply
i probably wrong ... but i heard Starbuks also partly own by jewish back in the states and Mark and Spencer too ???
Sky on there & Disney?
This was funny, I found a lot of Companies in the boycott list which does not have any Jewish ownership. Their Products may be sold in Israel but that' s it.
I don't have anything against a Boycott of Israel, but let's get real and don't boycott innocent Companies.
but you just asked me to for the tanker number :? you want to make the plants cocacola
The truth is... not moving forward but backward.. soon will back riding camel too when found who may be own what car company...
it is in the social group
not here go check social group quick
hmmmm whats happened to the day trip
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
you mean you will BOYCOTT makka cola lol
Foine i woill boycott toexas dorinks thoen.
but what drink is made there i donot know :D
i just ordered a coca cola tanker. now what no worries let it come. if it tasted good will order 2 more for the trip day too :p
Oh Truth, you are so full of sh...!!!!
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
I popped to, as I usually do when something sounds a bit far-fethced, and found the following;
Definitily worth reading before you start snubbing your favourite soft drink!
And I also thought this was interesting;
The irony in your boycott. As on your list you have intel and i bet the computer you are using has an intel chip so there fore you have already broken your own boycott.