
Hu Wan
By Hu Wan

Does it ever make you wonder how some words are adapted to everyday usage, how they evolved and morphed into their present meaning? An example is 'pissed '. Isn't this the common word for urinated? How on earth did it become an expression of anger? Come on, you don't pee in your pants when you are angry. Any theories? Want to share your thoughts here? This is just an example. You can provide other words too. Just tell us its history. It would be interesting! :)

By anonymous• 26 Mar 2008 18:59

interlectually challenging thoughts and ideas ......

Or yer drunk !!!



By princess habibah• 26 Mar 2008 18:13
princess habibah

Jauntie I really don't understand what you mean?


Have I said or done anything unIslamic?




Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi

By anonymous• 26 Mar 2008 02:34
Rating: 4/5

Another interesting web site for words and expressions is Urban Dictionary.



Princess and Jauntie


The expression **wet back** comes from the mexicans crossing the "Rio Grande"( Great River) between Mexico and the US border.

The mexicans living in California they call themselves *La Raza*.(The Race)

Currently a lot of Cuban Americans residing in Florida nickname themselves *Marielitos*. Why? Because in 1980, 250.000.00 Cuban refugees departed in what ever could float from the Port City of Mariel, Cuba in exodus to Florida.

That includes between 5000-10000 hard core criminals and political prisoners. It has being said that Fidel Castro empty his jails and did let go, so many people in retaliation for the US Embargo against Cuba.


Is halarious that every language of the world has its own etymology.


 One of North America ethymologies is "Gringo", this word comes from the Mexican-American war. The mexican name the US soldiers *Gringos*. Now is being use world wide in any hispanic society when refering to the *USA*. 







"Every once in a while, declare peace -- it confuses the hell out of your enemies." - Quark quotes a Rule of Acquisition, "The Homecoming"

By jauntie• 26 Mar 2008 00:25

Islam disappeared to.  Or am I imagining things.

Oh well - takes all types and we can all change our image ... I guess  .. no offense, PH, cos I like how you are now, but WOW what a switch! lol

have a nice night all - been fun


By xiexie• 25 Mar 2008 23:57

I think the word loo came from the place Waterloo, where Napoleon went to war and lost.

We alway have that feeling when we go to the loo, right?  going to war and sure to lose..


By princess habibah• 25 Mar 2008 23:55
princess habibah

lol xie xie


Web aholic bum better go see to the hubby now that he's home loll


Catch ya later dudes



Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi

By princess habibah• 25 Mar 2008 23:50
princess habibah

yes xiexie.. anal does pertain to anus.. But I always thought it mean a person has a stick up their arse??


Never understood why the english think its a curse word!




Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi

By princess habibah• 25 Mar 2008 23:48
princess habibah

Yeah loo is called the can in america too!


loo is short for lavatory! Its "posh" lol


BTW to say someone is posh is somewhat of a joke here in england. As we have alot of "chavs" or "wannabes" trying to be "posh" lol


oh yeah.. and where did wetback come from? They call mexicans in Cali wetbacks!  

Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 23:43

In Australia in addition to loo we call it "can" and "dunny"

By xiexie• 25 Mar 2008 23:42

Bimbo is what you call a loose woman, right?

Mickey may be for Mickey Mouse

Anal, a curse word?  Doesnt it pertains to the anus? 

How about the "loo" is it the shortened for something?

By princess habibah• 25 Mar 2008 23:35
princess habibah

I've always wondered about the word Anal. My husband thinks its a derogatory curse word.. when I think it just means uptight!


how about nappies instead of diapers.


 Oh and why do english call pakistanis "black" when they are clearly brown?


or Ouwee which northerners(england) say as slang for come here. ( I think the first time I heard it I thought it was an insult)


Why do people say Ta which is short for thank you? Or Cheerio down south?


Where does the word Bimbo come from cuz it sounds like a monkey?


Why do the english take the mickey out on people when they are making fun of them?


And rather then saying unwell northerners(england) say pooley or worse poeley.


Instead of saying lavatory people say "I'm going to the Bog!" Very cockney expression. And why do Americans call it the Bathroom or restroom, when they are not taking a bath or resting?







Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 23:23

yes it had something to do with the server..happened to me too...

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 23:17

everything stopped and I couldn't post my post ....

was a nice little joke about hub's socks.

Oh well


By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:58

I shall parade the torquoise next time we meet :D

Actually I love it! Just need the occasion ......

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:58

lol jauntie.....its exactly what happens to me when i throw something of hubby's, he asks me about it the next day....even though he hasnt used it in years........

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:57

Good call Jauntie, I can imganie where there thread wouldve lead to...

Its a pity people cant discuss things in a civilised manner, but knowing how threads turn out here, I can imagine the backlash...

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:56

and you can bet yer boots, the day my hub had sneaked out something I was hoarding, that's the day I want it!

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:54

because, although I felt I wanted to - his message of peace etc. - when I read to the bottom line it said he'd Christened a well known Muslim journalist (who had spoken out about things and had had death threats)into the Catholic Faith and I decided it was too inflamatory to post.

I guess I wasnt ready to take any backlash.   Actually, I was surprised I only saw it mentioned ONCE on a thread, and only in passing.  The Baptism I mean.   So I'm glad I didn't make a thing about the Pope's Easter Blessing.

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:51

Juantie..are you a hoarder, you would get along with my hubby..He has text books from the 80's that i swear i will throw out one day....

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:49

Good to hear Alexa Jauntie wanted to post the Popes easter message but didnt....

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:48


An American friend of mine stayed with us (with her hub and kiddie) when they were going through a stressful time - something to do with him getting out of KSA - anyway she crocheted me so many Afghans? (those rug type shawl things) that I still have about 8 of them still!

she said it relaxed her when stressed

but why did she have to send them ALL to me!!!!!!!!!!???

For anyone watching this, I am unable to throw anything away that friend or family give me.  My home is a shrine to strange looking plaster horses and knitted octopusses - go figure.

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:47

Well you should have...Im sure people would have liked to read it..

Are we boring you is boring tonight actually apart from jaunties posts.

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:44

how about that then?

puffs out chest and looks importantly 'didn't wanna cause a ruckus' ish

oh poop, I'm being silly lol

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:42

yep jauntie like groundhog day....

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:42

I'm being maudlin cos I want to pretend to be intelligent and no ones paying any attention

stomp stomp waaaaaaaaaa

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:41

sometimes I see those threads just going around and around, day after day ..... and month after month! actually lol

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:39

all night

at least that gets the little grey cells going!


By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:38

hey jauntie..this is better and more interesting than a lot of threads here..

Rather talk about this than politics and religon which end in insults...

ooops i take that back schmuck was an

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:35

lol at thats a real insult...

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:35

I should have realised that yonks ago.

Tend to forget I'm old enough to be your granny :D

ho hum


By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:32

schmuk means 'horses penis' ! lmao


ha!  I read this:


"in hebrew schmuk means horses penis".

"...brothers best friend is jewish. he told us. used for an insult"


I never knew that!!!!


well well - I shan't be using THAT expression again  hahahaha

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:26

people still say they will take 'a quick shufty' at something, don't they? in UK I mean.  Meaning they will take a look at something

well tishuff in Arabic means 'he looks' - shufty = look


Don't quote me on my transalation lol but near as damnit

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:22

could it be because it's like you are burning it into the memory.  Like maybe we may have used to say you have to 'burn' something into OUR brain, to remember it?

does that make sense?

I'm only guessing, here ...

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:19

probably jauntie..but i like it..

The bint one is interesting....

By xiexie• 25 Mar 2008 22:18

"Burn"  is another word I learned (re-learned??) a few years back, take note, in China.

Until now I'm still not quite sure that it means "transferring or copying  of data from computer to a cd"  am I right?

And why use the word "burn" to do this?

By anonymous• 25 Mar 2008 22:17
Rating: 2/5

It is a Jewish expression, used mostly in NY state.


"Every once in a while, declare peace -- it confuses the hell out of your enemies." - Quark quotes a Rule of Acquisition, "The Homecoming"

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:17

apart from Basil Brush on UK kids TV lol

US converted it to 'panties in a bunch' :D

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:15

maybe your link says what it is .. will look

By the way, none of you picked up on why some old soldiers in the UK used to call a woman, a 'bint'

Bint = Arabic for daughter, or girl.  The word was brought home to the Western world after WW1, I think.

Many words came back with the soldiers and were incorporated as slang words.

Cha  = tea

can't think of any others off hand



By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:10

I like the "dont get you knickers in a twist"..although i can imagine where that came from.

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:10

sometimes it's fun when you find these things out!

bit like WYSIWYG :D

By anonymous• 25 Mar 2008 22:09

As mad as a hatter!


No one uses this one neither.

  I had to research this one...


"Every once in a while, declare peace -- it confuses the hell out of your enemies." - Quark quotes a Rule of Acquisition, "The Homecoming"

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:09

dont be bored jauntie..we are learning more and more...

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 22:07

wow jauntie.. first time i hear this...i agree with you this thread is interesting, as we take these words for granted but never know the origin..

By xiexie• 25 Mar 2008 22:06

Really?? Amazing!! How do you know that?

So, it was really an acronym..

Thanks, another new thing learned today

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:05

seems like hours lol


By anonymous• 25 Mar 2008 22:05

Remember the phrase:  What a heartless shumuck!




"Every once in a while, declare peace -- it confuses the hell out of your enemies." - Quark quotes a Rule of Acquisition, "The Homecoming"

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 22:04

into other meanings.


well a caddy used to hold tea, until Americans made them into cars

a screw used to hold pieces of wood together

to 'flash' was a new way to take photo's in the dark

beating the meat, was to tenderize a steak

oh I'm bored now .... lol

someone else take over

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 21:57

that's probably why no-one else does LOL

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 21:55

God forbid I have upset you so :D

By anonymous• 25 Mar 2008 21:54

Juantie,  Just keep it up, I might have to piss all over your PC keyboard. 

 My Confession Booth is water tight, it even has a tear collector on hand...


"Every once in a while, declare peace -- it confuses the hell out of your enemies." - Quark quotes a Rule of Acquisition, "The Homecoming"

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 21:53

POSH comes from when the ladies from UK sailed out to India in the Empire days.

Because they didn't want their fair skin to burn in the sun on the journey to and from the UK to India, they insisted on their ticket being

Port Out, Starboard Home.




I love that one :D

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 21:49

But seem to remember a UK comedian who always used to say: 

"what a gay day" whilst mincing about .  Trying to remember who he was ....his name ...  hang on! lol

Larry Grayson ... OK that was late 70s

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 21:46

Jauntie i thought POSH was a nice word for classsy people until Posh from spicegirls took over that name and sadly it doesnt suit her. What is the meaning?


xiexie the word gay became related to homosexuals because quite frankly the name suits them, they are the most happiest people Ive ever come across..

By xiexie• 25 Mar 2008 21:44

Before, "Gay", an adjective, means happy or merry or lively

But these days, "Gay", noun or adjective?, is also another name for  homosexual.

Do you still remember when the word "gay" became related to homosexual? Was it in the 70's or 80's?

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 21:43

But to take this thread as it's meant.

Do you know the origin of the expression 'posh'?

Or why some men in the UK used to refer to a woman as a 'bint'?

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 21:35

good link jauntie...

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 21:32

if you have the time *yawn*

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 21:31
Rating: 4/5

yes jauntie and the lack of control you have over your bladder when you are pissed....

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 21:29

I imagine getting 'pissed' probably relates to how full your bladder is lol

By jauntie• 25 Mar 2008 21:27
Rating: 5/5

I checked in a google search for being 'pissed off' and it came up with:

"Doesn't seem to be related to being angry. You are more likely to piss your pants when you are scared"

By nadt• 25 Mar 2008 21:21

dont forget pissed means drunk too...

By jasminejasmine• 25 Mar 2008 21:19
Rating: 4/5

Well in England, mad, fag, pants to name a few mean very different things than they do for Americans. Latin and Greek often explain the origin of words but how came pants can mean such different things between US and UK that it could be hugely embarrssing! (if you went out in England in your pants it would be your underwear)

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