Guardian on Al Jazeera English
By joewilliams •
Hello people,
this is how the Guardian is reporting the problems at AJE. But it probably sounds all too familiar to a lot of other people too.
Hope everyone's well.
More info about this was posted earlier today, here;
and here;
This could have been written about my workplace!! Spooky.
I didn't think the Guardian's coverage was at all biased. It didn't really offer any opinion, as far as I could see, just a lot of facts:
People are resigning and staff are discontented.
Welcome to Qatar.
the article raises some valid points that are being experienced by many on QL. Particularly on the salaries and benefits front.
Even if the article only serves to focus attention on that element it could have benefits if the "powers that be" are monitoring such articles.
Oh I like the guardian a lot.
Just seems that Al Jazeera has the same issues as many other companies here.
Nice to hear from you Joe.
The Guardian is always biased rubbish and has a negative bias towards the ME in general. Just ignore it and look at a decent paper for the real story.
(and I don't mean the Daily Mail!)
fabrication of some jealous broadcasting office/individual. is pure media mix-match.
But let's hope for Al Jazeera to step up more bravely on the plate. Go Al Jazeera..
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.