Any christian people
MARHABA dear people from QL!
I want to ask to some christian people have been married in Doha currently...and which are procedures or documents needed?..
I would like to know also if some of u have heard about any inconvenient o problem in marriage between christian and duruz/muslim in a church?...ouch I know it might sound weird for some,,but I just want your advices...Greetings and have nice day to all!!! :D
What if its a Qatari guy involved in marrying a christian woman? I supposed it would be hard since there are too much qatari ladies here.. Marry them first before others right?
muslim men can marry christian women in the islamic court..but am not sure in case of duruz
you may need to wait for more input from other QLer's :)
If you want to get married in the church a letter from your home parish is needed and then the bands are read and put in the church notice board.
If its a civil marriage just go to your embassy
and planning to get married here...hmm... is your fiancee here??
there is no any problem for muslim/christian couple to get married here.. as a matter of fact, there are a lot of cases like that in here...