Can you imagine this in Qatar
An article about traffic in a German town,
An article about traffic in a German town,
Apply this here and all the landcruisers will go crazy everywhere....
in a classroom about defensive driving and not just taught how to drive a vehicle.
But sadly, everybody's concern is just to learn to drive and forget the word "defensive".
Road courtesy is another one that needs to nbe emphasize in classroom lecture. One to two hours of classroom lecture is needed and it can make a very big difference!!!!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
I'd imagine that if they DID do that, people would be extra carefull and really look both ways :P
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I wonder if they rode camels like they drive land crusiers lol. Oh well, this thing can be possible in hell, but not here.
You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.
Just say how many!
when are you jumping to SA again i need some monkeys from there.
Fatcat, I was in SA last week and spreaded the word that we must appreciate what we have back there. Tell "Sipho" that he is not bad at all, considering what he drives!
all people on the road has different kind of mentality and sadly that those people who drive liken demons there on the road of qatar have a very bad mentality...driving is all about civilization...what do you think will happen if you let a person drive an A1 car when prior to that, he or she normally drive a camel, a cow or a donkey? Let them drive my batmobile and they will reach places!!!
ROBIN!!!to the BATCAVE!!!
spanky1423's picture
True, canarybird, the system wouldn't work in a large city.
But honestly when we visited Germany we were awestruck by the order, discipline, and especially the courtesy of the other drivers. Things you just don't find on the roads in Qatar :-(
Ossu Joe, I have found new appreciation for the taxis back home ;)
Although they are quite well disciplined the "back up and correct the mistake does not always happen" many people die on the roads because of such mistakes.
The average German driver knows he is right and the traffic system will not let him down.
This system by the way will not work in large towns such as Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Berlin as there is too much traffic there.
What the German Police have discussed is to reduce the number of road signs altogether to avoid ongoing confusion when the drivers may or do not know what the sign means.
Germany is a great place to drive, not just for the autobahn, but in the cities as well, because the other drivers are SO courteous.
And forgiving, lol! Wrong way on a one way street? No problem! Enter a highway the wrong way? Ok!
They back off, smile and wave, let you fix your mistake and be on your way. I love Germany!
cant Imagine this to be happening, No WAY or rather NO CHANCE IN HELL this is going to happen in Qatar for obvious reasons pretty much,..
Yes, there was a time in Qatar when this worked very well. It was when there were only 13 000 drivers and Doha was a small town like the one highlighted in the article..
SA taxi drivers are more corteous and considered the the general drivers here!
Never the less I must say that once a Land Cruiser stopped in the middle of the road to let me in, it nearly felt like home!
crossing... Stood there for five minutes.. Not a single car stopped... Gave up and went back home..
same in Italy ( or shame? ...dono)
mmmmm, a white toyota landcruiser allowing me to cross the road, wow, will never happen.
The idea is that since people know there are no traffic lights, they will be more careful in approaching junctions and be more vigilant in their driving..
It works on the premise that "life is valuable"
Never, people here do not understand the meaning of the word courtesy!