connexion between driving and your culture
By modern wonderer •
hi there,
did anyone notice how connected is the way people drive,behave on the road and their origin,culture?
how can you explain that ? is it only that westerners are so used to traffic police being uncorruptable back home therefore do not try to mess with the law whether other people know that they can simply get away with it by paying the cops for any violation ?
"At any street corner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face."
Albert Camus
I am in the process of getting my licence, can't wait to be out driving myself, hate being chueffered everywhere!!!!
If you can keep that record in Doha you will definitely deserve an award...LOL. When I was there visiting I refused to drive anywhere. I hired a driver -yeah I am a big chicken.
I am 47 and been driving since I was 21 without an accident, I just pray it continues here!!! lol
There are stupid/careless drivers in every culture. As for Westerners not breaking driving laws - ha!!! Try driving in the states on the Intersate highways once in a while - that will change your mind.
Hey Xonic I don't like you having women your list....I have been driving since I was 17 years old - I am now 47 never a ticket or an accident. I think that is a pretty good record.
My detailed reply is here:
Fact file: "The Range Rover that American soldier is driving, was purchased from an Iranian in Qatar."
driving like Morons..They're fine in their own countries, but get a ego or superiority complex here...
whay is the westerns is always good ...or wana look good
my best idea QATARISUN saied (but we wouldn't like to go any deeper into this matter as this thread might be turned into nationalism and racism again..)
yes, we did notice... but we wouldn't like to go any deeper into this matter as this thread might be turned into nationalism and racism again..
police here are richer than most westerners. They don't need to be paid by people.
I also have noticed that 99% of westerners are drunk people....even when they drive...that is of course if you insist on accusing a certain race for bad manners on the road
No, there is no connection what so ever between the culture and driving habits....driving habits depends on how educated and considerate a person is.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach