Congrats to the people of Lebanon

By realsomeone

Congratulations to the people of lebanon for their victory and celebrations.

May you continue winning over occupiers and your victory lead to a freedom for all of those who live in occupation.

By thexonic• 21 Jul 2008 18:57

By the way Samir has nothing to do with HezbAllah, he's a durze and only Shia'ite muslims are allowed in HezbAllah. Please check your sources before you start blaming HezbAllah for Samir's flaws. As far as I know, most of the Durze people in Lebanon are not supporters of HezbAllah.


"War is not the answer"


By thexonic• 21 Jul 2008 18:28

Samir Qantar kills one girl, he beocomes a public image and gets insulted. Where as the Israelis terrorize the Palestinians, kill the Palestinian kids every single day and kidnap their fathers, rape the women of the house hold and no one says anything to them. People are blinded by media, everyone who kills without a cause, weather a militia man or a guerrilla fighter, they both r terrorists, the question is who started this crisis, was it Lebanese and Palestinians??? the answer is NO. Was it Israel. the answer is YES. It's a fact, no one can change it.


"War is not the answer"


By Platao36• 21 Jul 2008 17:51

I wish you all a nice week. :)



About your text on this, Israel has shown more consideration for the prisioners than Hezbollah, and i advise you to see it as a good will from Israel to get peace, no one has won that war. Don't forget the israelian soldiers were kidnapped and not killed in action.


RED_POPE said "Don't make me write your ...

"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"

I'm with you on this matter, i mean about Blind Obedience.


Realsome: You make me laught, you make me remember that Iraqui minister that was speacking about Iraqui's army vitories against the americans and an american tank showing up behind him.


KellysHeroes said At what cost? ...

Kelly, i regret all that happened and don't think Lebanom should be blamed for Hezzbollah actions, hope your goverment will see this gesture as a demonstration of goodwill from Israel to finish this bloodbath.

My hope is that finally there will be peace in the region.


superdoc said well if thats a victory then ...

well if thats a victory then you have an enormous road ahead of you.

Yes, i agree Doc, only a blind calls it a vitory, both sides lost.




dottymum said All children regardless of ...

All children regardless of race, colour or religion have the right to live.

Murder is murder and there is no excuse. Innocent children and civilians shouldn't be dragged in and killed in such a way.

Whether you are a jew, christian, or muslim you should practice your religion as stated in your holy book and i think all three religions state that it is forbidden to kill others. "

I agree with you 500%, 1 of 10 God commitments is "You shall not kill"



Loulsy said Bravo Dotty ...

ur 100% right.. so maybe we should begin by removing our dear politicians dont you agree?! for such an exaulting speech we really should be taking a stand and getting rid of the nice murdering politicians that we follow blindly all the way.. not thinking of what it is costing our family and our country.. then we should go around pointing fingers and saying OH how Embarassing, how shameful.. we are glorifying murders.. it all starts from the inside.. "

I agree with you, politic is dirty and has caused too many wars, religion is just 1 excuse for it.


Dottymom: That's always the problem, Israel has shown that it's more powerfull than any terrorist group, just that they care more about their citizens than Hamas or Hezbollah, they are sacrificing some myths so that Peace may finally reach that region.


Regarding everyone to their place and what belongs to whom, we may say that Israel was occupied by Arab nations during centuries, when they finally got their independence, they were attacked by a coligation of Arab countries and defeated them, and as a response they occupied part of some countries, but seams that they are giving back those occupied territories, just hope that this will be the end of war in the midle east.

Only God Can Judge Me

الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer

أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ

By SouthLand• 21 Jul 2008 00:59

Was this so hard:

All I was asking for was evidence, not rhetoric. If you wanna win over the hearts and minds of people, give them facts not rhetoric. Let the truth speak. 'Opinions are like @ssholes, everone has one'. Just the facts Jack!

By abohmaid• 20 Jul 2008 16:49

with mr.sameer alkentar

By abohmaid• 20 Jul 2008 16:35

thats why the same israelian believe mr hassan nasrulah

more more than their leaders

By abohmaid• 20 Jul 2008 16:31

"Lebanon has the right to live in peace, the people of Palestine have the right to have their own state and the jews in Israel have the right to live. The commmon people all agree on this, such as shame that the governments cant"

right to live but not in our land

By dottymum• 20 Jul 2008 16:26

For your information, LOUSLY, i was in Lebanon during the 2006 July war and witnessed first hand the atrocities committed by Israel against Lebanon. I wasnt watching soap operas because there wasnt any electricity!!!!!!!!!

Are you aware that Hezbollah actually started the July 2006 war in Lebanon????????

Lebanon has the right to live in peace, the people of Palestine have the right to have their own state and the jews in Israel have the right to live. The commmon people all agree on this, such as shame that the governments cant.

Hezbollah has done wonderful things for the people in the south of Lebanon and has provided where the Lebanese govenment couldnt It doesnt change the fact that they are a terrorist organization. They have brain washed the masses of people that live without hope in the South of Lebanon.

By Loulsy• 20 Jul 2008 16:14

ur 100% right.. so maybe we should begin by removing our dear politicians dont you agree?! for such an exaulting speech we really should be taking a stand and getting rid of the nice murdering politicians that we follow blindly all the way.. not thinking of what it is costing our family and our country.. then we should go around pointing fingers and saying OH how Embarassing, how shameful.. we are glorifying murders.. it all starts from the inside..


By dottymum• 20 Jul 2008 16:12

All children regardless of race, colour or religion have the right to live.

Murder is murder and there is no excuse. Innocent children and civilians shouldn't be dragged in and killed in such a way.

Whether you are a jew, christian, or muslim you should practice your religion as stated in your holy book and i think all three religions state that it is forbidden to kill others.

We should not give a heros welcome to anyone muslim, jewish or christian if they have committed such acts of violence. We are therefore encouraging the youth that are brainwashed from an early age to look up to and aspire to be the same as these evil people. The cycle of hatred and violence has to stop.

By Loulsy• 20 Jul 2008 16:10

In the Lebanese July War, While Israel was saying that they are trying to kill Sayed Hassan in his Sanctuary they used specialized not allowed weaponry on the lebanese people and children were the most victims in that war.. Im sure during that 33 day war as we call it you were busy watching some soap opera to see what was really going on.. or uprobably thought it was some cute action movie. Go look up history and see the massacres that have been done on the hnds of the Israeli government and Army (not the israeli ppl bcz they were busy rioting against the wars)... The massacre of Qana is what?! if u dont know what it is.. look it up.. this is 100% proof of going after children. You look at what Samir Kantar did and go like oh my god he killed 1 child.. yeah weill israel has been killing our children for decades..


By abohmaid• 20 Jul 2008 16:00

coz he is a real hero

By abohmaid• 20 Jul 2008 15:58

need evidence

with all that massacres in ghaza

By SouthLand• 20 Jul 2008 15:28

Provide evidence of a case when an IDF troop purposefully killed an innocent child.

By superdoc• 20 Jul 2008 00:47


i appreciate ur stance on death of an innocent child but do you share the same for all children, including those killed by IDF?

By KellysHeroes• 19 Jul 2008 23:04

he should have stayed there. why to bother himself and others by coming to Lebanon and going back to Palestine



By abohmaid• 19 Jul 2008 22:23

get the lebanese parties together

By abohmaid• 19 Jul 2008 22:16

u think who kiled mohamad aldura is the hero

By dottymum• 19 Jul 2008 21:46

I can't believe that a murderer that killed an INNOCENT 4 year child in a horrific attack was welcomed like a hero. Greeted by the president and other high ranking officials in Lebanon. It's a shame that the world had to see Lebanon celebrate murderers in a way usually reserved for REAL heros. Not all Lebanese endorse such acts of violence committed by these types of people.

By GodFather.• 19 Jul 2008 21:31
Rating: 3/5

Atleast people are happy or greiving, its big for relief all the same for them..

First it was God then Human and then Religion..So humanity always come before Religion



By abohmaid• 19 Jul 2008 21:23

i came to lebanon coz i want return back to palestine

real hero

By anonymous• 19 Jul 2008 20:41


Israeli reaction to prisoner swap

Four Israelis give their views on the prisoner swap deal their government has reached with Hezbollah.


Some say this shows the weakness of Israel, I think it shows our humanity. It shows we care about our soldiers.

I totally agree with returning the prisoners, let Lebanon look after them.

It does mean however, that we have to be very careful not to get more of our soldiers kidnapped.

It also means the chances of an Israeli surviving after being kidnapped are pretty slim.

I have trouble with giving back live people for dead bodies. We could have been more assertive in our dealings. But there was a whole lot of pressure on the government to do something.

Hezbollah not telling us that the soldiers were dead - that's not politics, that's power play - "we're meaner than you".

I feel very sorry for Lebanese people. They are between a rock and a hard place with Hezbollah having so much power.

The main thing is that the terrorists are no longer in Israel, and the Israeli families now know where their young soldiers are.


I'm against it, but not strongly. It's hard for me to say what the right thing to do is.

I am uncomfortable with the level of pressure the families put on the government.

I would not have wanted a prisoner exchange to have taken place like this with my body

There were lots of articles about what the families would do when their sons came home. I think they knew that if they accepted the possibility they were dead, the deal wouldn't happen.

I am outraged that an organisation like the International Committee of the Red Cross capitulated to Hezbollah's terms, not giving us any information on the soldiers.

I am a reserve soldier myself. I served in the last war and I certainly would not have wanted a prisoner exchange like this with my body.

I also think it increases the likelihood of another kidnapping, which can't be a good thing.

Soldiers would have rather seen a rescue operation, even if the chances of its success weren't high.

There wasn't a note of recrimination when the army went in to rescue Nachshon Wachsman, [captured by the Palestinians in 1994], even though he and several Israeli soldiers died in the operation.

However, this was driven by the mothers of soldiers, rather than the soldiers themselves. I send my condolences to the families.


On the whole, I think the deal was right.

If you look at past deals, this is pretty much OK because we only gave five live terrorists away. In the past, we've released hundreds.

I don't envy our leaders; they have to consider the families' and the nation's interests as a whole. It's a hard balance to find.

This swap might encourage more kidnapping from the other side, because they know they get a lot in return.

Also, the fact we're willing to pay such a price, even for dead soldiers, may encourage them not to try to keep the hostages alive.

I'm a reservist. I served as a medical officer in the last war.

I think soldiers and civilians too appreciate that Israel is willing to do a lot for its people, even when they're dead.

Clearly Hezbollah were not playing by the rules. They are terrorists, they have no rules, which is to their advantage.

I find it very, very disturbing, that a murderer such as Samir Qantar can be welcomed as a hero like this in Lebanon.

The Lebanese people should take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror. Although, I know that not everyone in Lebanon supports Hezbollah, it raises many questions.


The bottom line is, I'm against this.

I understand the families, really I do. It's morally wonderful that Israel goes so far to get its people back, but politically I think it might be a disaster.

The other side sees our actions as a great weakness. In their eyes, this makes us look pathetic.

For them it doesn't matter how many people die. Not least if they are ours.

I'm not saying we have to be like them, but are we doing the right thing to swap live people for dead ones?

Once you do something like this, you give power to Mr Nasrallah.

It's disgusting how they treat [Samir] Qantar [one of the released Lebanese prisoners].

If that's the way they're going to treat someone who killed a little girl - like a hero - what can we do?

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/07/16 16:21:27 GMT


"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"

By SouthLand• 18 Jul 2008 03:40
Rating: 4/5

By ZEINA KARAM, Associated Press Writer Thu Jul 17, 2:50 PM ET

BEIRUT, Lebanon - Five militants freed in a prisoner swap with Israel prayed and laid wreaths at the grave of a slain Hezbollah commander Thursday, vowing to fight Israel as supporters showered them with rice.

At the same time, eight tractor-trailers loaded with coffins carrying the remains of 199 Lebanese and Palestinian fighters returned by Israel in the swap made their way from south Lebanon to the capital Beirut. Villagers showered rice and rose petals on the coffins wrapped in Lebanese and Hezbollah flags and covered with flowers. A banner on one of the red and yellow trucks read, "The Martyrs of Victory."

The vehicles were stopped often along the route by throngs of supporters, some of them women relatives in black headscarves and clothing who held up pictures of those killed in fighting with Israel over the past three decades.

In Beirut, the five freed prisoners dressed in military fatigues walked a red carpet laid out for them to the grave of Imad Mughniyeh, a shadowy figure Israel and the West accused of masterminding terrorist bombings in the 1980s and 1990s. He was killed in a car bomb in neighboring Syria in February which Hezbollah blamed on Israel. Israel denied it.

"We swear by God ... to continue on your same path and not to retreat until we achieve the same stature that God bestowed on you," said Samir Kantar, who had been the longest-held Lebanese prisoner in Israel.

He referred to Mughniyeh's "martyrdom," saying, "This is our great wish. We envy you and we will achieve it, God willing."

Kantar had been convicted of a notorious 1979 attack where he allegedly killed a father in front of his 4-year-old daughter, and then killed the girl by crushing her skull with a rifle butt. He denied killing the daughter and claimed she was caught in the crossfire.

The girl's 2-year-old sister was accidentally smothered by her mother, who held her hand over the toddler's mouth to stifle her cries while the two hid in a crawl space.

In Jerusalem, an Israeli spokesman condemned the hero's welcome accorded to Kantar in Beirut Wednesday.

By superdoc• 17 Jul 2008 20:04

well if thats a victory then you have an enormous road ahead of you.

By KellysHeroes• 17 Jul 2008 19:41

and one prinsoner does not justify such huge losses



By realsomeone• 17 Jul 2008 14:58

Kelly victory comes with a prize... but the most important is to watch the grieve of zionists and the joy of the lebanese.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By abohmaid• 17 Jul 2008 14:57

sure it will cost us

By KellysHeroes• 17 Jul 2008 14:45
Rating: 3/5

To liberate one POW, it costed us some 1200 killed and some 10000 wounded and about 4 Billion Dollars losses



By abohmaid• 17 Jul 2008 14:31

thank u

By abohmaid• 17 Jul 2008 13:12

and spiteful people like red kalb sucks

By thexonic• 17 Jul 2008 12:45

Yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life. Mabrook la kil Libnani on this joyful occasion :).


"War is not the answer"


By thexonic• 17 Jul 2008 12:41

Pope man, leave them alone papi.


"War is not the answer"


By anonymous• 17 Jul 2008 12:35

RED_POPE...You are speaking with Placards...whats up buddy?

You got a slogan with picture ...for every angle.

By realsomeone• 17 Jul 2008 11:36

I am strong supporter of resistance so i should be happy for achievement of the resistance around the world.

resistance is undeniable right for the people of lebanon, Iraq, Somalia, palestine and else where.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By Loulsy• 17 Jul 2008 11:31

I am Glad and Honored to see so many people Happy with this victory and see it as their own victory as well..


By DaRuDe• 17 Jul 2008 11:29
Rating: 4/5

Be nice be nice or will kick your Donkey petrol




By Loulsy• 17 Jul 2008 11:28

and your directing ur talk at who?


By realsomeone• 17 Jul 2008 11:27

I dont bet, but i know what is happening in the ground and that is why the western media doesnt report but in the end its gonna be tragic for Ethiopia and the last move for US against Somalia.

Hesbollah doesnt suck but they suck the blood of the zionists. I enjoyed the grieve and sadness of the theirs.

Lousy it wasnt only joyfull for lebanese but also joyfull for those who love freedom and justice, it was a great day for me .

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 17 Jul 2008 11:25

"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"

By Loulsy• 17 Jul 2008 11:21

To everyone who is congratulating us, Thank you... yesterday was an extremely joyful day for us and will be remembered forever.

For Those who deem us Terrorist: we respect your opinion and pity that you cannot see what lies infront of you


By anonymous• 17 Jul 2008 11:18

For Real, Mr.Realsomeone? You want to bet your salary on this one?

HAHAHA, What kind of drugs are you taking? LOL

"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"

By realsomeone• 17 Jul 2008 11:02
Rating: 4/5

Red pope, it will not be the first time we defeat the ethiopian army, dont worry just wait for few months and you will see us in Addis Ababa.

they are already starving in Somalia, we cut the water supplies from them and now there is nothing left for them but to leave but indeed we will not let them leave. Somalia is not a place for joking we know how to defeat the enemy, we heave been defeating them for 500 years including killing their own emperors.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 17 Jul 2008 10:14
Rating: 2/5

honoring such people is to continue to provoke the other parties. Instead of calming down the situation, I think it is fueling the desire of both camps to contunue the war with no end. I pity both sides, it will be a never-ending war with both sides benefitting none.

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By anonymous• 17 Jul 2008 09:51
Rating: 5/5

realsomeone said:

May you continue winning over occupiers and your victory lead to a freedom for all of those who leave in occupation.

Here is the funny part of your statement,

'and your victory lead to a freedom for all of those who leave in occupation'.


Their victory will lead Freedom to others, for all those, who leave the Occupation of Terrorist organizations.

Realsomeone you might want to join them!

"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"

By RAB• 17 Jul 2008 09:51
Rating: 3/5

i lived the 2006 war and i told everyone i talked with on the net, u cannot stop us from doing what all nations agree on is the resistance. That resistance from a small country but with strong man resist and let the fuckin enemy for the first time in history... recieve bombs like rain and let isrealis nation live in hustles underground.. So the wrong cannot resist forever, the will of GOD will survive no matter satan do.... GOD save Lebanon.

RAB is Alive

By Kanu08• 17 Jul 2008 09:31
Rating: 4/5



By anonymous• 17 Jul 2008 09:25
Rating: 5/5


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