what will happen if the company terminates you with coz? plese advise friends.
what will happen if the company terminates you with coz? i mean if they are not happy or not satisfied with your performance. if this happen, what should i expect from the company? can i get my gratuity, or other benefits from the company? please advised i did not know the rules in this country. i just came here ten months ago. thanks....
As I understand it, Termination with Cause usually ends up with immediate repatriation without benefits, however if they are not happy with you I see no reason to withold an NOC
oyu must ask for a release otherwise it will be impossible for you to move to another job start searching immediately so if you have an offer this will strengthen you
dear friend,
if there is misleading with the company or you found guilty in a company while working which breaks the law of company then it is totally different situation. but if not happen like that then you may claim NOC from the company. and work for other company. suppose company not allow you to issue NOC and you are willing to work for other company then you have all rights reserve to knock the door of CID with all proofs and CID charge some money like 6000 riyal and you change your sponorship. or other company bear up this fee. be remember here in qatar two different types of human rights organization are working one under ministry of interior other under united nation so follow ministry of interior as it is fast and really helpful for needy applicants