One dollar a month Campaign by Mahabir Pun.
Dear all,
The campaign led by Mr. Mahabir Pun for a wireless Nepal is much praiseworthy and examplary. He has taken a big step for the overall welfare and development of a nation. It is high time we pondered upon his campaign & extend him a helping hand for such a noble cause.
please visit the following for further details:
Thanks & regards,
This guy is good. I wish him all the best. He looks like a future noble prize contender.
Hi All!
I am an ignorant American looking to become more educated regarding Religous and Ethnic differences. Question #1
A person born inKenya, but his family roots are Arab. What does that mean? Would that person be Arab or African? What does being Arab mean? Believe me i have tried researching the net for the answer I can not find it! I really don't get it!i understand in Qatar you , like us ,have many religions living peacefully together,wish the rest of the world would get it!
Thank you for your help!