When will they learn?
By baldrick2dogs •
Land cruisers are not Ferraris:
YOUTH HURT IN CRASH: The wreck of a four-wheel drive vehicle that met with an accident near the Qatar Scientific Club in Messaimeer yesterday. According to police, a young Qatari man was seriously injured in the crash that occurred at about 4.30pm.
Full story (but not much more):
Judging by the amount of Land Cruisers and SUV's etc that regular speed beyond the advertised speed on the roads, it isn't a surprise to find there is this type of accident. Land Cruiser, although quite stable on the road are prone to being top heavy when cornering and driving at speed using power steering can be a recipe for disaster. As often when changing lanes in traffic at speeds above the recomended 120klms, a mere flick of the steering wheel has the potential to cause the vehicle to swerve violently and often the driver will over compensate to correct the swerve action and flip the vehicle.. Land cruisers aren't meant to cling to the road like a Ferrari, they are designed as an all terrain and off road vehicle first and formost, physics will dictate that these "boxes" on wheels will not be as road holding as the sleek sports cars that are designed to travel at accellerated speeds, and handle the road conditions much more precisely.
learn out of mistakes? Neva...
Till dey understand wot life is all abt... I really doubt, dey wud learn anything...