What do I do about a Scary Shouting Teacher in Doha?
My child has just started school and comes home in tears. The teacher shouts constantly and yells when the work is incorrect. My child is still struggling with living in a new country let alone a new school and unreasonable teacher.
I don't want to leave the school (is an international one close to home) and have paid fees. Other parents are very disgruntled too.
If I approach the Principal will it make things worse or better? Do I just accept it and tell my child this is life or fight it and possibly cause more problems?
Does anyone have any ideas?
Oh Dear, I am sorry to hear that your child is unhappy at school.
It is not easy to get good school here in Doha even though you are paying sinfully large amount of money.
I suggest that you go and see the teacher .. but instead of shouting back etc just discuss calmly explaining that your child is still adjusting and not quite used to the class, school etc and ask the teacher if she could suggest ways in helping out your child to adapt with the new surrounding. I suggest the first approach to to raise/discuss the problem but don't put the blame on the teacher. This may but not always work..talking to other parents in your child class may help as well..also try to encourage your child to get to know the classmate may reduce anxiety.
But if you think the teacher is beyond reason and you are absolutely sure that the teacher IS the problem by all means shout back and demand that the teacher is replaced!!!
all i can say is that you better do something. such incidents could shape your son/daughter future.
i have already been through the system and after having studied in the Europe, i know how such things can effect negatively. no child deserves to be verbally abused by a teacher. yes, its called abuse if this had happened any where else in the western world.
sadly in some cultures, we have placed teachers on high pedestal from where they feel that they can do anything. if a child misbehaves in class then there are more effective ways to deal with them. so just goto the principal and have a strong chat with him/her.
Look the problem for your child behavior is normal its olny due to chnge of environment,
jut go with your child outdoors when ur free & try to improve his knowledge with the surrounding atmospheres ok,
this will help him learn quickly & also to have a beeter & vide look
Well that's not a very nice teacher is it?! The best thing you can do is get other parents at the school to complain with you - this way that means that the principal knows that there definitely is a problem and will do something about it. It's the principals' job to do something about a problem if it crops up. If not that it's perfectly within your right to start looking for sending your child to another school.. Shame on that teacher whoever it is!
hello friend
talk to the teacher first and tell her your kid is upset due to her reactions.
see if it works
then speak to the principal (as you said other parents have the same complaints too)
I think you should visit the school & voice out
I agree with all of them.
Send a complaint letter to their management and describe about the attitude of this teacher. Keep sending it and if still no action been taken. The final act is try to find other few concern parents and go to the press, report to them about this incident. They realy love this kind of story to be advert in their newspaper.This is about the reputation of the school. I think the school management will take serious action once it goes to the newspaper coz those reporters will send them a visit hehe
Wow ! Am woundering that do u need help from public forums ? Well better 4 u 2 sit back relax and clap your hands.
Ausi I am pretty sure I know what school you child is in... my son was there and I found all the teachers to be very unhappy and constantly shouting, and they have no bones about it either... everyday I would go in to pick him up all I could hear was shouting.
If your son is in the primary section, go speak to the nice lady who is head of that section. She can guide you. Also you can go speak to the principal but it is pretty fruitless, she defends the teachers to the death.
Sad... children have a hard enough time to adjusting to a new school and country to be put in such hostile environments. Shame on the teachers.
we are facing the same fear as my little boy will be attending his first class after ramadan. He is not use of shouting and i worried from those teachers who are of that kind. I already started telling him about that instance to him and i see him frown and hard for him. But what can we do, but if i am on your part, i would be talking about this to the principal or school administrator and let them learn to be more patience to kids specially to new and first timer in school.But shouting a kid by the teacher is not acceptable for me i would have report it to the ministry of education...
join the club!!!!
send me the name of that school in a private message...i have the same problem with my 7 yrs son, since day 1. and now on the fourth day he refuse to go to school...
Hey. No .. you should take up this issue...
Kids persanality completly depends on the adult behaviours he/she is experiencing. moreover this can damage his slef respect and kill his confidence.
I would suggest to talk to the said teacher personally. and request in a very polite and diplomatic manner. You can convey that the kid is all scared and keeps crying and is sleepless due to his behaviour. Instead of sounding a blame , put it on the kid saying he has not gone through such situations in his life which may be the reason.
If this still persist, join with the other parents who has the same concern and address it to the principal and strongly suggest to to change the teacher.
Hey mallrat, take it easy. Be diplomatic. Be nice. Be cool.
Once all the diplomacy failed; I WILL RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR CAGE!!! And do whatever you want with that naughty teacher.
i want to cut the tongue of that nagging teacher,, grrrrrrrrr...
I'll suggest you better talk to the teacher first and very clearly tell him/her how you child and you feel about the situation. Ask him/her, if there is anything you can help to improve the situation and expect the same. Make it clear that if situation does not change; you would like to take the matter at higher level.
Well none of us like confrontation do we, but I would start with the teacher. I would make an appointment with him/her and discuss your issues. If that does not work, then I would go over his/her head, but I believe it is always best to resolve issues at the lowest level.
As odd as this may sound, the teacher may not even realize how their actions effect their students, or what I refer to as the oblivious person and you would be surprised how many are that way.
bowling for colombine !!
I recommend you to confront the teacher directly. Tell her how disturbed your child is by her rude behaviour. IMHO, yelling at children is not an acceptable behaviour, she may loose her job if more parents complain against her.
First, it is very sad that your child is unhappy. Children should enjoy school and their childhood.
You should first go and talk to the teacher, not the principal.
This will give you a chance to at least hear his/ her side of the situation.
If the problem is not resolved then tell him/her that you will take your concerns to the principal.
It is not wise at this early stage to form some kind of parents union. You represent this as a problem your child is having - keep it at that level until you have spoken to the teacher and the principal first.
as a student, i've had teachers much worse than that. one actually threw his shoe at me! but for you parents, you should talk to the teacher first to know why he or she is shouting at the children, then if that teacher still doenst change then it's time to talk with the principal. don't go to the principal first. it may cause more trouble.
I totally agree with that, you should unite together, but perhaps try discussing it with the teacher first, to see if you can resolve the issue that way, but if not, go to the principal and file a complaint. Most teachers now are not even allowed to shout at the pupils, even if they have behaved badly, never mind if the work is incorrect, that is not completely the child's fault!
You know, my suggestion is: Why not you and the rest of the parents unite to file a complaint to the Principal or to the person in authority? because if you will only be the one to voice out your concerns, there is a possibility that your child may be at risk of being a "target" of that mean and shouting teacher, and it will only cause your child harm than good. Whereas, if you all unite together, the school head will really think that this is a problem that is not too little to be concerned about. And something may be done out of this. AT least, no particular child will be in trouble for that matter.