Road Accident in Rasaboud Road
This happend today morning at around 8:00 on ras abu abood street, near to the new airport site.....
a landcruiser had a hit on another 4 wheel drive and hit the barricades and overturned.
there was 2 passengers, one looked like arab and the other a construction site labor who was on a blue pullover(he seemed to have head injuries and the arab have minor injuries). i am a regular traveller on this streat since i have to drop my wife in Qatar Airforce gate. I must say that is is one of the most risky streets of qatar. the road is narrow and a bit bumpy. also most cars drive on 100+ on this. the concrete dividers which extend whole the way is the worse..... once if any of your tyres are on it for sure you will overturn. so guys be carefull while driving on this street.
rayyz - avoid that road like a plauge ;( stick on to Toyota Towers only :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
they must be driving so crazy to be overturned like this..
Maybe I'm glad I can't open the pics then!
Remember, speed doesn't kill, inappropriate speed does!!
Torque 8-)
Scary!! As mentioned thr has been mnay in the recent past
DRIVE Carefully Guys
everyday there is alot of accidents so it became normal; get use to it.
Not a pretty sight for first day of the week.
3000 QL Points
Way to go Ray!
I travel this road every day and find it neither narrow, nor bumpy. The risk here is minimal as there are no intersections between Airforce and NDIA back entrance.... however, the road is used like a race track as there are no speed cameras on it. It only takes a slight nudge to flip a 4x4.
Anything else you'd like me to Google for you? ;o)
Welll told them never to drive fassssssssssssssssssssst kidddos