Do you guys feel comfortable with QL order lately?? I cannot take it anymore.
I go on strike until the site will be returned to its normal condition!
It is impossible to find any thread! It is impossible to post anything..
Please! Separate Questions from the Forum Topics. Or better just delete this section, as anyway every question turns into the discussion! So what’s the point to have this section at all? Every stupid answer appears as a separate thread and clogging a site space.
Interesting Topics are shifting to the 4-th, 5-th 6-th page in no time, and get lost in nowhere… But these silly questions and endless accommodations (who said it’s a lack of accommodation in Qatar?? Just look at all these ads!)take all the space and rule the world!
Someone please, bring order to this website!!
creative minds think alike ..... lol
now what are you thinking ;-/
you're welcome NFH, from our entire committee....:)
Thank you Speed, thank you QS, thank you Qatari, thank you Ahmad :-)
your one was in August??
that's how long we were suffering??
anyway, thanks qatari, ahmad, D,T... whoever else...
for bringing order to the site.. it's much more enjoyable..
excuse me, SPEED!
i am the one who FIRST came up with this issue..LOL..
your "first" apeal posted on Sep 8, and mine was "FIRSTER": on Sep 3 !!! ... :P
hope you remember my 1st appeal : http://www.qatarliving.com/node/164874
thank mr. ahmad :-)
OH Lord (Allah!) Thanks for hearing my prayers! Thanks for not letting me die on my strike from starving!!!
…how neat and peaceful QL today!
Such bliss for my eyes!
Such pacification for my mind!
Thank you ! Shoukran…
Come on Qatari do something about this. Please
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
I agree with QS, everytime I need to get back to a topic, can I find it? well!! the answer is noooo!!! so i can't be bother sometimes as i waste my time looking for an specific topic and my time is too precious, b4 was very good, get rid of those questions, waste of time...
I just happen to be doing exactly that, wasted well over an hour, with out any luck, i'm not a happy bunny!!!
dont forget:
- "Good morningggg QL"
I'm guess it's something to do with keeping the site running smoothly. Filtering out certain elements would require more work by the server. Since everything has been included in the recent posts page the site has not gone down, whereas before it was going down quite regularly.
and silly age old jokes should have their own section....the thread title always looks so interesting then I look at it and its a bloody joke that I've seen years ago or had it emailed ions ago!
DD, you disappear for too long. Make me miss you ;)
The easy way would be to have separate tabs for answers, classified and the Forum this way it will be easy to search
Qatarisun lets select a place to sit and do our Hunger strike somewhere more prominent to get the most mileage and publicity
DD! I missed you!
I think everyone has the right to post here whhich some of us find it helpful..
QS..I'll join you on a strike...however can I just do an exercise strike? Its easier and more likely with people at a computer. Hunger strikes don't sit that well with me, haven't got that much weight to loose ;-)
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
realsomeone, i didn't suggest you to go on strike... Neither you, nor anyone else...
I dont see whts the big deal.. It ssems fine to me .. U can track ur posts n do all the usal stuff.. plus its more organised :P
well.. what i do is post random nonsense on posts i'd like to follow, so that they appear on my tracker :)
like this for example.
lol hunger strike.... i agree the site got messy. but i think it could have been better to make a suggestion instead of striking.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Jarreau: Be a good girl n stop jumping up n down!! We'll STRIKE at the next QLSG gathering!! (Please dont forget to bring crisps, fries, drinks n other important stuff...a BBQ wudnt be a bad idea either... )
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)
Wallah we don't need it!
All this disaster started from this section! Just get rid of it! please!
And put the Ads in a separate section as it used to be. That's it.
yes DaRu i go on hunger strike. it will help to lose some weight as well..:)
QS: yeah lets bring banners n placards for the next QLSG event....n also start a signature campaign n stuff!! :-p
is QL playing trick on me or it's just my eyes???
just seconds ago somebody is looking for fhilipina frendsheep that's why i have that post above... soweee... really got to sleep now...
Charge a Fee for Every damned Advert. Problem will be solved in no time. Adverts are free. that is the problem :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
And then they deleted all recent thread tabs...
Then they brought it back like this again...
Anyway YES please get rid of all the BS...
You can't teach experience...
frendsheep... go there before everybody kick u out of QL!!! just a frendsheep advice
Agree QS
just eat another pie
to relieve my migraine from browsing thru QL so have to sleep for now as i am feeling really drowsy and sleepy... :(
hope when i wake up, QS's request is granted
is that a hunger strike?
I couldn't agree more
I hate to complain but I agree with you QS, it is difficult finding posts amoung all the adv! Its like watching a really great movie but having ads all through it :-?
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more