SCOOTER the chihuahua - QAWS take note
SCOOTER the chihuahua skips along like a baby kangaroo — after learning to walk on his hind legs.
The tiny nine-month-old is one of four siblings born with just stumps at the front, probably due to inbreeding. All have learned to walk almost as far as their four-legged friends.
But to help them on those longer trips, owners Donna and John Imhof have built them lightweight ‘carts’ so they can trundle along on front wheels.
Vet Donna, 48, of New York, said: “It’s a lot of work, but worth it. I love each of them.”
Note from Brit: Some owners are actually breeding "mutant" dogs for shows / events
An update with the info I received from my mom. Please note that this is what applies in Brazil to the Kennel Club (CBKC) affiliated to the FCI.
Also note that there is more than one international standard. For example, there is the FCI and the AKC (American Kennel Club) and the rules are different for each of them.
In Brazil, if you want a dog with a pedigree endorsed by the Kennel Club (CBKC), both parents need to have pedigree in order for the puppy to get one.
If you want to mate two dogs who are brother and sister, you need a special permission from the Kennel Club explaining why you want to try to fix the genes. Kennel Club might or might not allow for that. The reason is you might get lucky and fix the genes or things might go haywire and you might end up with freak shows.
Kennel Club will not issue pedigrees to any dogs with disabilities.
Also note that under CBKC rules (and I believe FCI as well) no cosmetic surgery is allowed. Not even coloring the dogs hair is allowed. If the judge picks up on any cosmetic procedure (apart, of course, to hair trimming), the dog is immediately disqualified.
I do not know who Crufts is affiliated to (if FCI or AKC). However, let us all remember that there are two sides to every story, so I add here a link to the response given by the Kennel Club in the UK.
Brit, I can't comment on the breeding of the dogs in the UK. I can comment only on what I've seen all my life based on what happens in dog shows in Brazil and what I hear from my mom. And all my life I heard that you should not inbreed dogs in normal circumstances.
My grandmother was a breeder. She was always getting new dogs from all over the world to bring in new blood to her dogs. And she didn't even show her dogs, though they all had pedigree.
If there is a problem with inbreeding, I believe the SPCA should work in conjunction with the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale ) to educate the Kennel Clubs and their members so a feasible solution is reached that'll make everyone happy.
Crufts is officially recognised as the world’s largest dog show by the Guinness Book of Records.
I am no expert in these matters so bow to your better knowledge and judgement.
However, theer are concerns that in order to win prizes and fame, breeders are going to "extremes" in inbreeding..
See attached link;
Brit, I'm a big fan of the SPCA but I think they're talking rubbish here.
Dog breeders that breed dogs with the intent of showing them are extremely aware of what inbreeding does to the breed. Normally they only inbreed for show purposes when two dogs are really really good. Dog breeders that show dogs are very different to breeders that do puppy farming.
The kennel club have standards for each of the breeds. If a dog falls outside those standards by being deformed, they certainly do get disqualified from the show.
Most dog breeders that I know (and I know quite a few of them in Brazil) breed for the passion of improving the breed and would never do anything to jeopardize the dogs.
In fact, I know some breeders who won't even sell small dogs to households that have children under a certain age.
There are several types of shows. The SPCA only mentioned one type. This type the dog MUST comply with the standards, of course, otherwise why bother. It'd be the same as saying that human beings taking part of beauty pageants should not be judged according to how beautiful they are. Bollocks! Same with dogs. But make no mistake, a dog's personality is part of what is judged, i.e. if a dog has terrible personality the judge will not overlook that. In fact, if a dog bites the judge it will be immediately disqualified.
There are other types of shows that the beauty is not taken in to account: obedience trials, Canine Good Citizen tests, field trials, agility trials, lure coursing, rally, hunting tests, herding trials, tracking tests, coonhound and earthdog events.
I HATE THE MORONS that do these things to those poor dogs! Really HATE them. Poor puppies.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
What's crufts?
Brit, do deformed puppies get pedigrees? I'll ask my mom about it, she's an all breed Kennel club judge and president of the Kennel Club in her city, so she'll probably know. I'll report back once I know the answer to that.
and inbreeding is a very serious and large problem all over the world, with people who have no concern for the animals they have in their possession. All those people care about is how much money they can make...not that the poor dogs/cats are basically institutionalized in a cage only to have litter after litter of babies. If you look into their eyes, its like looking into a vacuum..there's nothing in there. No hope, no one to love them, no way out. People like that should have to suffer the same consequences that they've put those animals through.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
There was some news a few days ago that the RSPCA has suspended plans for a stand at Crufts and is calling for new measures to tackle the unacceptably high levels of disability, deformity and disease that threaten pedigree dogs.
Ooohhh what a sin. :(
Are you serious, Brit, that they are breeding mutant dogs?
That's so sad.
hats off to these pups for their perseverance...