Collage student looking for part time
By qqqtttoooppp •
so I am studying n i looking for part time job if any know plase send me on this mail: [email protected]
I really need it :(
so I am studying n i looking for part time job if any know plase send me on this mail: [email protected]
I really need it :(
In my early college years I used to work in McD in my country.
"Hello Sir, may I take your order?"
Just go around and ask for a job as long it's legal. Good luck!
dude, on my early college years,
used to work for a supermarket chain called tesco..
I'm a checkout guy.. all i have to say all day long
pretty much is "hi there! are you all right? can i help packing?".. and for a beautiful girl "hey there, got any exciting plans for this weekend?" lol.. kidding! but in your case, you can apply for a part time job at a restaurant.. as a waiter of course..
A college student that doesn't know how to spell "college"!