The Punishment...
By bAbA-blAcksheep •
"adultery is still theoretically punishable by stoning, which involves the public hurling stones at the convict buried up to his waist. A woman is buried up to her shoulders."
[Locked by mod. This was discussed thoroughly quite recently.]
Ok, I didn't read you comment that way Gypsy. Sorry.
anasfk - firstly we're talking about adultery, not rape. And secondly, no I would not wish to stone someone to death, whatever they had done to my family. It's barbaric, and most nations, including Iran, have realised or are beginning to realise that and stop the practice.
statistics of these crimes in muslim countries are low because of under reporting.
it is PROVEN that the death penalty, regardless of how it is administered, is not a deterrent.
if my mother, daughter or sister were raped, the last thing they would want is for me to turn into a savage barbarian as a result.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
I'm not implying it's minor, I'm implying that it's not so horrible to deserve stoning someone to death!
This has been discussed to death in numerous other postings.. So why do we go over it again ?
If your mother or daughter or sister, raped by some one,
and u got the rapist , What u will do?
Will you give a "smile" and tel "brother, dont do it again"..???
No .. U wil try to get max punishment for him as much as possible.
This is the practical case.
So the Shareea( Islamic ruling) gives the solution for this type of crime.
If u go through the statistics of crime (rape and this type of illegal affairs), It is very very negligible in Islamic countries.
Gypsy - you must have had enough discussions like this by now to realise that "having intimate relations with someone she's not married to" is very serious in Islam, so to imply that it's a minor thing is a bit insensitive.
I agree though that burying and then stoning somone is barbaric, whatever crime it's considered punishment for.
So you're perfectly ok with having a women buried up to her neck and have rocks thrown at her till she dies. For something no worse then having intimate relations with someone she's not married to? Seems slightly harsh to me.
if so.. no need to make my self clear.. coz i noticed u judge matters according to ur satisfaction.. i think thats ur way..
generally, i think that when a conversation takes place (lets say between 2 sides) there should be willingness to accept and debate reposing on knowledge.. not own understanding or satisfaction.. :)
Emad =>
It's a private family matter, between the couple.
before i get to my point.. i think i should make sure that ur not ok with a married man/woman commiting adultry.. are u ?
Emad =>
It is barbaric, and it's clear the Iran has begun to realise that as it's moving away from using it as a punishment (see my earlier comment).
Yes I did. Point?
gypsy did u read dawud_UK's post??.. i mean all of it
Emad =>
Emad, the law says to bury a woman up to her neck and chuck stones at her till shes dies. What part of that isn't barbaric?
if i got ur point right.. ur saying that laws are barbaric because u dont like them ?
Emad =>
to death by stoning of an adulterer with the condition that the first man or woman who will cast the first stone should be sinless.
I'm sorry I refuse to accept laws that I think are barbaric. No matter what religion or country perscribes them.
assalaamu alaykum,
to the non-muslims, peace be upon those who follow righteous guidance.
at the moment i live in the uk, though i am short listed for a job in qatar, but living here i have to try not to break any laws and if i do i will have to face the consequences of that action.
if i lived in qatar the same, if i lived in saudi the same.
one of the laws in islam is that the married adulterer is stoned if it can be proved according to the shariah.
that is the law, or at least should be in all muslim countries. the problem is some dont apply it at all and hence widespread fornication and adultery, with the problems of marital break down and VD's.
other countries do apply it but don't apply it correctly, so rape victims are punished but the rapist is not, this is not the way shariah is supposed to work, or other times the rich get off but the poor are punished but islam is impartial when it comes to matters of status, race, etc (muslims themselves on the other hand need a little guidance in this department it must be admitted)
marriage is a trust, it is a trust between you and someone who promises like you to keep each other safe and as we are taught in islam, to be a garment for each other.
now if that trust is violated then on a societal level things can start to break down pretty quickly and islam not only works on the individual level, protecting the rights and honour of the individual but also protests society from any bad effects.
so in islam there is a punishment for adultery, which is stoning, this is all about deterent. if you knew you might be stoned to death for getting your end away away from home you are going to think twice, a bit of fun is not worth getting killed for.
and in this deterence, society and the rights of individuals are protected.
in a correctly run shariah state, stoning for adultery is extremely rare, as it requires four adult sane witnesses, not disagreeing with any of the major details.
i remember one friend telling me about his brother who worked in khandahar during the rule of the taliban and a judge had a case brought before him, two teenage kids who had run off together (neither married so they would have been flogged not stoned if found guilty).
the judge asked for witnesses, they said they had over fifty who had caught them together willing to testify, he asked them amazed that they really had fifty witnesses that had seen the pen go in the ink well?
they said no, not that but they were caught alone together so assumed.
the judge had all the witnesses given ten lashes for making false testimony, allowed the young couple to go free and even arranged their marriage for them as that had been the original problem as the families wouldnt let them marry as from different tribes.
that was justice, that is how shariah is supposed to work, not the often political tribal justice that often calls itself shariah in this day and age but is so far removed from how shariah worked in the past where it gave justice to all.
Abu Abdillah
Er, no probs brit, I think.
Thanks for the update.. Excellent..
By the way, can anyone spare a shekel for an ex leper ??
Punishment's like this are unacceptable, but it seems Iran are taking steps in the right direction, albeit slowly.
The following is from the same article that bAbA-blAcksheep extracted his post from - as with all good 'flamebait' posts he only posted the sensationalist part of a story, not the surround information as well.
"In August, the judiciary said it had scrapped the punishment [of stoning] in Iran’s new Islamic penal code, whose outlines have been adopted by the parliament but its details are yet to be debated by MPs before final approval and coming into effect.
The judiciary also said stoning sentences against several convicts had been suspended and commuted to either lashes or jail terms"
Well MD if she had covered herself up, this would never be a problem.
Ultimately, it's the woman's fault for making herself available, right?
*crickets chirp*
Typical: the man involved gets only 15 years in jail and some lashes. It makes me vomit.
and false beards for the ladies?
"I'll have three large rocks and a bag of gravel please ....."
Did you Google it first?
the Christian way!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
CLEARLY this needs to be done more often....but where? perhaps in the middle of villagio? how about down on the corniche? families can take the kiddies for a lovely early evening stroll, complete with barbaric punishment! BYOS- bring your own stone- of course.