Brawn, beauty, guille, Athleticism, strategy
What more can anyone ask for..
OK.. I read history - Caesar, Claudius, Caligula, the might of the Roman Empire and of course Ben Hur and Gladiator with Russell Crowe. The screams of the crowd around the arena and life and death within it..
But, I was not prepared for "American Gladiators". What pathos, what suspense, what thrill, what courage, what inane stupidity.
If anyone wants to know what is wrong with our society, then please watch this program..
Hands up those QL'ers who watch this regularly..
perhaps not equally bad ... just bad ?
hulk hogan.....What a crock of old bollox !!!
More Top gear i say !
"A man may fight for many things.His country,his friends,his principles,the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child.
But personally,I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sackful of porn."
well perhaps not worse, let me just say equally bad.
Ok I admit !!! I do watch it :)
But only if theres nothing else worth while ..
I usually like Sit coms or Top Gear ...
Name that Show .... In One
Obviously, you're an expert on "reality shows" or a Closet Gladiator watcher..
Never seeen such crap in my life.. The sad thing is the audience..
Never heard of it or seen it ,, I dont watch the telly much. But let me guess,,,,,,does it involve some muscular blokes and blokettes smeared in body oil wearing gladiatorial outfits bashing each other with padded sticks and things. ?
What more can anyone ask for..
OK.. I read history - Caesar, Claudius, Caligula, the might of the Roman Empire and of course Ben Hur and Gladiator with Russell Crowe. The screams of the crowd around the arena and life and death within it..
But, I was not prepared for "American Gladiators". What pathos, what suspense, what thrill, what courage, what inane stupidity.
If anyone wants to know what is wrong with our society, then please watch this program..
Hands up those QL'ers who watch this regularly..