To all dog owners
I am a dog owner and am discusted that some other dog owners do not clear up after their dog have poo'd in public places. It takes less than a minute to use a pooper scoop then dipose poperly. In other contries it is a crime and folk are fined. It should not be neccersary, but some people need notices on lamp posts to remind them of the health risks and that it is totally unacceptable.
Personally, I save the plastic bags that I get from Carrefours and MegaMart and use them for poop pick up. I have two Salukis and would never think of leaving their feces for others to deal with. Its horribly unsanitary and disrespectful of pet owners to not clear what their pets have left.
However, that being said...there are a LOT of strays around that have no one to clean up after them. Perhaps that was what you saw.
One thing I cannot stand is for cat owners to let their cats out to urinate(spray/mark territory) wherever they choose. Its a horrible smell that is nearly impossible to clear.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.