TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and Curves
Good morning ladies !!!
I am toying with the idea of starting a TOPS group here in Qatar but first want to see if there is any interest.
In addition to TOPS, perhaps some ladies would like to meet up a few times a week to go to Curves?? and perhaps a coffee after? A friend of mine is going to Curves now and she loves it. The staff are very interactive and supportive. She also said there is someone around to coach all the time. The fees are around 3000 and change.
If there is enough interest I will ask Qatari to start a group...... PM me or post on this message, whichever is more convenient.
oh ladies... i wish am there now am sure i will supported this group. all the best i guess :(((
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Hi amoud,
nice idea...TOPS and curves.
i want to join also...
Vegas_i think ur talking to Al Massa gym-- near book i ryt? im planning to join there also b4 coz my bf is one of Al massa active gym instructor...but i have prob with my sked.
Lol, Dora, they will change the music if you ask, and as for staring, it is the patrons and you get that everywhere. We women have a tendancy to size each other up, especially in the gym. If we find someone who looks worse than we do we have some silent victory (dont tell me no one has ever experienced that lol).
Alrighty, I will clarify. I explained Curves and will post more info shortly. I want to go over there again for a good look as when I went I had my toddler with me.
TOPS (Taking Off Weight Sensibly) is a support group that meets once a week. It is a non-profit club based in the US, which I am trying to open a chapter here. The fees are annually (26$) and that is to pay for the mailing list and reources, which are all available online. The group meetings will be for weigh ins, and part of this program is activities focusing on trying to keep the weight off and encourage people to stay on track. There are activities and such (TOPS has a version of "Survivor" which is interesting). It is a lot of fun and is great support for people such as myself who always struggle to stay on the wagon.
Here is a link to the main TOPS page, it can give you a bit of info... I am going to try and see if there are enough people if we can get a group rate at Curves. If there is no interest in Curves perhaps we will organize a walking group as suggested. In TOPS meetings we can determine which activites we would like to participate in etc.
Meetings can be held just about anywhere; coffee shops, members homes etc.
Any other takers?_____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
If you like Abba and being stared at whilst you are sweating like something porcine then Curves is just the place!!
Its only for and Karin dont need to shed anymore..
Amoud, I'm confused (so what else is new)...
are you describing TOPS? Or Curves? I'm not familiar with TOPS? Where is it?
We are paying like 1000 a month for this place near the book store with no results....can you send me the link or other info as I'm tired and don't want to forget...will forward to karin...Or send directly to karin...thanks so much
You can't teach experience...
Hey Vegas,
It is a woman gym, annual membership is around 3,200. There is a dietician there, as well as many personal trainers who help you along. It is a kind of circuit workout, with 15 stations. You spend 1 minute on each, at your own pace and keep rotating. Lively music to boot :) The trainers keep monitoring your heart rate and such to make sure you are within your ceiling, and help with proper form.
Thats all I have about now, I will go check the place out myself this afternoon or tommorow morning. _____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
You can't teach experience...
me dont wana get nasty so you quiet and stop hijacking
LOL, Da, you will invite all us ladies anyway so you could strut your stuff in front of us. If you didnt, wouldnt it just be a tad bit gay? A bunch of puffed up blokes strutting around in Daisy Dukes :)_____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
i will ask Qatari to make a group
for hunks to show up in shorts only shorts nothing else huh be jealous be more more more more jealous
I was so trim before coming to doha...then with me loving the food here, functions to attend, and my thyroid deciding not to work, I gained weight...sighhhhhhh...But am back on track now, and lost 5 kilos...but have many more to go................
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Thanks..I am *blushing* LOL
I used to be in a better shape before joining this job where I am just sitting 8 hrs a day and QLing most of the time..LOL Guess its time to move it..and shake
you have a lovely shape....and personality to go with it...much better than to be a walking stick person...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Amoud...may be a walking group to start with...I really dont like my shape these days...need to do something
with your eyes behind a blindfold..
Amoud..I think that this is a lovely idea...I wish it well!!! Curves in the States is a HUGE success!!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Da are you attempting to hijack my post? :) QATARI!!!
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
if you are going to be member of the group i will never join ah plz plz let me be a member.
you'd be too "hands on" and not enough viewing..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
can i be a viewer to approve?
Amoud..Count me in ...