Is it true that Jordanians now are being banned from Qatar?
Is it true that Jordanians now are being banned from Qatar, I want to know because I am a Jordanian and I signed a contract with governmental company in Qatar since September 2008 ( so since 5 months ) and I contacted them several times and they keep saying : your visa still under procedure, I beginning to lose hope, so is it true that there is no visas now for Jordanians?
I Heard this...
Jordonians and egyptians are inhold to enter qatar for employment.
yes unfortunatly ....they reject my wife visa also since she is jordanian....even i satisfied all the conditions from ministry and rent home and every thing.
i called jordanian embassy and they told me the same.
i contacted HR lasdt week and told me that its normal that visa take that long, and that is not sign for rejection of my visa.
so what do u think friends?
what about visa for egyptians? i am waiting for my entry visa for work in qatar since 2 weeks. is there any problems with egyptians?
Yes its true dat Jordanians nationalities are now not getting visas, being in HR i also tried for their visa but no use, they can reniew the old residence but there is no chance for getting new visa. Yallah bro best of luck, everything happens for good so dont loose hope Allah Mak..
any issue related to this is mainly because of political issue or non cooperation between Qatar and the other country. in plus, they are banned because of the palestinians who have jordanian papers. there are too many here and the qatari goverment should make equilibrium between all nationalities! i advice u not to ask for Borrow visa or to shift ur visa. u ll be banned 100%.
what is the root cause?
yes they can not get new resident visa for them in all companies
Yes ,absolutely correct... I strongly advice you to find job somewhere else... my experience recommend UAE Dubai..
correction: i do not think Jordaninas are not allowed here, i witnessed very little number of cases being banned, keep your hope.
A lot of Jordanians obtained visas last two months so that should assure you
للأسف هذا صحيح ونتمنى ان ينتهي هذا الوضع ولكن كنت اتمنى عليك ان لا تضع سؤالك هنا وانت تبحث بطريقتك الخاصة وخاصة ان سؤالك لا يحتاج الى إجابة فلو أنه مسموح للأردنيين بالقدوم لقطر لما توانت جهة العمل عن إحظارك
Unfortunately, this is what all say.. and even employees from egypt... better to search in an other country...
good luck
As long as i know, it is tru!, i'm also working in govt. sector (oil field), and we are not getting jordanian visas, even for business visit (14 days), we are submitting for special approval.
Yes it's true.