Mid week evening catch ups - Women only!
Hello Ladies,
I recently moved to Doha from Australia. I am looking to find some activities I can do to meet a few other ladies to grow a small social network for evening dinners, chats over coffee and any classes if people are interested etc.
I think it would be lovely to try to arrange group catch ups during the week for dinner. Due to work commitments I am not able to catch up during the day, so dinner would be the best time.
Please let me know if you are interested in catching up.
Women only!!!
OH sorry !!!
It's women Only
That sounds good. What kind of books are you interested in?
hey...u could have a book club or sth:)
its entertaining and usefull at the same time;)
please let us know where we can meet for catching up and i suggest dinner...
better not get late and send me my Feb salary soon.
Hi kate,
We WILL try to do dinners too! It's just that the group is brand new, haven't even met yet, and I'd like to get the group established and get committed members before we try to branch off in too many directions.
In the meantime, check Marhaba magazine for a list of organizations and activities around Doha.
And check out the American Women's Assoc. They have a variety of activities, and you don't have to be American to join.
DaRuDe, I guess I'm gonna have to put you on the payroll now? :-P
not all of them can make to lunch because of busy schedules like work and picking kids from schools so you can arrange the night one after consulting with notfromhere the group manager. you can do the night invitation and she lunch.
I have joined the MMM group but I always wanted to see if women want to catch up for other reasons or different times during the week as I can't make it to the day time functions. I hope they eventually can get people together for dinners but until then I wanted to see if other people can meet up.
you can join the ladies group on QL the MMM
and you can join the Mums group too if you have kids
hello kate_n welcome to doha
hopes u've nice friends
for me its difficult to meet outside from home bc i've just3monthes old son but likes to make good friends.
welcome again