Is it worth celebrating? couples, are you keen celebrating this day? Or is it only on the first year and just dies on the suceeding year?
I know a lot of women are counting down to this day, anticipating or creating surprises. For those busy women how do you celebrate it?
To the gents...what's your view? Do you ever look forward on this? How mushy can you be on this day?
Does this occasion come with age too? Does younger ones celebrate more and when years go by does it become a typical day?
We celebrate every year, and it's been 20 years. My hubby has never forgotten.... he KNOWS better, lol!
We give each other a gift and go out to a nice dinner.
Apparently some people consider that "rubbish".
Oh well, you know what they say:
One man's trash is another man's treasure
How to Plan a Romantic Evening for Your Anniversary
An anniversary is an important date for many relationships, and it should be celebrated accordingly. Romance is the fuel that keeps the home fires burning, and when you plan a romantic evening for your anniversary it only stokes the flames. It does not take much time to plan or execute, and it will be well worth the effort.
1. Make sure you and your spouse’s schedules are clear. If neither of you can get off of work on your actual anniversary, agree on a more amenable evening to celebrate on.
2. Pick an activity. Part of the way an anniversary celebration keeps the romance new is by trying something new. Ever try dancing? Try it on your anniversary.
3. Spruce things up. When you usually do not get the chance to dress up, use your anniversary to do exactly that.
4. Have some tricks up your sleeve. Even when you plan the entire evening with your spouse, have a surprise or two along the way that your spouse is unaware of.
5. Build up to the end of the evening. Do not show all your cards right off the bat. Save your most luxurious or extravagant activities until the end of the evening.
6. Take care of responsibilities at home. When you have kids, pets or other things that need to be taken care of for an evening, plan for it well in advance.
Is there anything "new" you want to do or together?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
I think sometimes couples need a justification to treat themselves and celebrate. People can get so wrapped up in their children, work, and day to day life, that they forget to appreciate their partner and relationship. Having at least one set day a year to remind them to relax and indulge each other is a great idea. That isn't to say the rest of the year they shouldn't, just sometimes people would never find the time to if there wasn't a prearranged date.
MD, how do u celebrate it everyday? your partner is lucky unless if she is getting tired of it...
Speed, a day without road accidents calls for a celebration too.
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
one car less... 3 cars less ... 7 cars less ... LOL
I celebrate every single day.
Agree with pennyps and Victor
Ban the
your last paragraph is true, i suppose!! :D LOOOL
well, for me, i aint into celebrating birthdays even, annivesaries are kinda far..
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
i personally think that couples do need to celebrate some occasion like anniversary, wherein they can talk about the relationship and catch up each other's lives. not all can spend quality time in a daily basis. this may help in reviving relationships or making it more fruitful. discussing some concerns or plans. as how to doesnt have to be fancy...
amidst the hectic routine these days, who has time for this anyway?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
anniversaries are ok,... month-saries are kinda like going a bit overboard, at least to me that's what i think... to each his own... :D
lol mandi! and greet yourself too?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
.mandilulur, same here.
.that's all......
Every year I go out and buy myself a wonderful present and say, "Thanks, honey!"
.Is it worth celebrating? hell yez. with or without budget.......
.heero -u r grumpy:)
.that's all......
i agree month-saries seems to be a bit over. if one partner rarely remembers dates can be a big deal with the other. petty, isnt it?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
no particular reason but..... i'm not familiar with all the dates...hehehehehe
my partner remembers dates better than me. I think it is a rip off. I don't need a card, flowers, chocolates etc.
Birthdays are great for kids. The rest of all these special days are rubbish. They should be banned lol
This was sponsored by Victor (ia) Meldrew
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach