Come on guys, let's sell your licence space!
Seriously though...
I was speaking with people in my company the other day and they were inquiring about the points system on a driving licence. I informed them about the 7 points on a red and he went pale. Obviously being the asshole that i am had a cheeky smirk on my face and with held letting out great big belly laugh at the thought of him being a numpty.
All of a sudden to my surprise, his mate says, "oh don't worry, i know plenty of people you can pay to put the points on their licence"
WTF?!? i thought
Has anyone else heard of this? seen this? done this? i am not worried because i like to think i am pretty obedient driver/rider. It seriously takes the point out of a penal system. Does anyone know the consequences of getting caught doing this? i would quite like to deter some of guys thinking about doing this. A)it's stupid B)they really can't afford it.
*sigh* another reason why i love Qatar
the points vanish after we got the receipt :)
Do they really implementing that pointing system? Have you heard someone who has been confiscated his license?
Since it was applied, never heard any...
Like that idea. Like the UK
Gotcha now :)
Good idea I suppose, and it would indeed work on parking tickets. I still think that insurance rates should tie in with the amount of points you loose and accident history. This would sort them all out. No one would be selling off their points if they knew it would drive up their insurance 30% :)
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Well the way i understand it is done is that, The person claims to have been driving the car at the time, takes the points and pays the fine.
i know people who have done that, i got a friend who lent her car to someone, that someone got a parking ticket, went to the traffic department, and it got sorted.
I also dont think it is possible. A friends hubby is a Qatari policeman and he said that because these incidents are caught on camera it is very difficult to make them dissapear. Logic would dictate that if you cant make the fine dissapear it would be rather suspicious if you have a few speeding fines and a red light fine but all points in tact.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"